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Site: www.cbx.one
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Site: www.cbx.one
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InfinityCoin Exchange is operated by UNIA TRADE AND INVEST. LIMITED registered on British Virgin Islands. It provides only BTC and XIN (the abbreviation of the Infinity Coin) markets.
تم إطلاق c-Patex exchange beta في نوفمبر 2017. بعد ذلك ، تم تسجيل "Cripto Patagonia" كعلامة تجارية في الأرجنتين. 
Trade.io (currently (TIOmarkets) is a centralized trading platform. In October, 2019, the Trade.io exchange suspended its operation and rebranded in TIOmarkets to be able to provide more markets, such as forex, shares, indexes, metals and cryptos.