On this page, you can compare Freiexchange with LakeBTC. Which exchange is better to use? You can compare exchange characteristics, fees, trading features, safety, and social media presence.
At the end of this page, you can see our final ratings for both exchanges.
In the table below you can see general information on both exchanges. Freiexchange was founded in 2014 in Norway. LakeBTC was founded in 2013 in China.
When choosing an exchange for trading, you should take into account how long it has been an active market player. Older exchanges usually have a good reputation and tend to be more reliable. It may be a good decision to use the older exchange, which is LakeBTC. At the same time, newer projects may be more technologically advanced.
You should also pay attention to where the exchange is located. Some countries have strict financial regulations, which makes it difficult to seek court assistance when needed.
Freiexchange is Centralized and LakeBTC is Centralized. You can read more about the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized exchanges in this article.
Freiexchange doesn't have a mobile app. LakeBTC doesn't have a mobile app.
LakeBTC has 6 languages available, including English, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish and Swedish.
Company | ||
User rating | 8 user review | 3 user review |
Cryptogeek rating | ||
Trust Score How it works |
8 user review | 3 user review |
تأسست فري إكسشانج في 2016 في النرويج من قبل فريق من المتحمسين المحليين تهدف إلى دعم فريكوين ، التشفير القديم ، الذي يسمى أيضا "بيتكوين مع غرامات التأخير". حجم التداول على هذه المنصة معتدل إلى حد ما. اعتبارا من الآن ، فإنه يوفر 31 زوجا من العملات المشفرة مع البيتكوين كعملة مضادة.
LakeBTC هي واحدة من أقدم البورصات في السوق. تم العثور عليه مرة أخرى في 2013 ولا يزال لديه الجمهور الآسيوي كأولوية. وجود أنواع الودائع المختلفة تجعل تبادل مثيرة للاهتمام لتجار ابتداء. من وجهة نظر أخرى ، تم الإبلاغ عن أن الخدمة عربات التي تجرها الدواب من وقت لآخر ويمكن العثور على بعض الشكاوى حول خدمة الدعم عبر الإنترنت. كما توفر الشركة المحفظة جنبا إلى جنب مع البورصة ، ولكن من المشكوك فيه أن يكون كل من البورصة والمحفظة مع نفس الشركة.
2014 | 2013 |
Norway | China |
Centralized | Centralized |
No data | English, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish, Swedish |
- | - |
No data | Suite 606, 231-1 Ludi Avenue, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China Postal Code: 215332 |
No data |
Taker: 0.2% Maker: 0%, if your past calendar month volume > 20,000 BTC. 0.02%, if volume > 15,000 BTC 0.04%, if volume > 6000 BTC 0.06%, if volume > 3000 BTC. 0.10%, if volume > 500 BTC. 0.15%, otherwise. |
About |
تأسست فري إكسشانج في 2016 في النرويج من قبل فريق من المتحمسين المحليين تهدف إلى دعم فريكوين ، التشفير القديم ، الذي يسمى أيضا "بيتكوين مع غرامات التأخير". حجم التداول على هذه المنصة معتدل إلى حد ما. اعتبارا من الآن ، فإنه يوفر 31 زوجا من العملات المشفرة مع البيتكوين كعملة مضادة.
LakeBTC هي واحدة من أقدم البورصات في السوق. تم العثور عليه مرة أخرى في 2013 ولا يزال لديه الجمهور الآسيوي كأولوية. وجود أنواع الودائع المختلفة تجعل تبادل مثيرة للاهتمام لتجار ابتداء. من وجهة نظر أخرى ، تم الإبلاغ عن أن الخدمة عربات التي تجرها الدواب من وقت لآخر ويمكن العثور على بعض الشكاوى حول خدمة الدعم عبر الإنترنت. كما توفر الشركة المحفظة جنبا إلى جنب مع البورصة ، ولكن من المشكوك فيه أن يكون كل من البورصة والمحفظة مع نفس الشركة.
Founding Date | Founding Date 2014 | Founding Date 2013 |
Country | Country Norway | Country China |
Type | Type Centralized | Type Centralized |
Languages | Languages No data | Languages English, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish, Swedish |
Mobile app | Mobile app - | Mobile app - |
Full address | Full address No data | Full address Suite 606, 231-1 Ludi Avenue, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China Postal Code: 215332 |
Fees | Fees No data |
Taker: 0.2% Maker: 0%, if your past calendar month volume > 20,000 BTC. 0.02%, if volume > 15,000 BTC 0.04%, if volume > 6000 BTC 0.06%, if volume > 3000 BTC. 0.10%, if volume > 500 BTC. 0.15%, otherwise. |
Freiexchange trading volume is 1,169.0. The exchange has 18 available trading pairs. Fiat trading is not available on the exchange. Margin trading is not available.
LakeBTC trading volume is 10,626,207.0. The exchange has 12 available trading pairs. Fiat trading is available on the exchange. Margin trading is not available.
Please note: The bigger number of available trading pairs provides you with more trading opportunities, but may cause technological shortcomings at the same time.
1169 | 10626207 |
18 | 12 |
19 | 13 |
- |
Depends on currency and volume | Depends on currency and volume |
Percentage | Percentage |
- | - |
Volume | Volume 1169 | Volume 10626207 |
Pairs | Pairs 18 | Pairs 12 |
Coins | Coins 19 | Coins 13 |
Fiat trading | Fiat trading - | Fiat trading |
Deposit | Deposit Depends on currency and volume | Deposit Depends on currency and volume |
Fees | Fees Percentage | Fees Percentage |
Margin | Margin - | Margin - |
- |
Unverified | Unverified |
Two factor authentication | Two factor authentication - | Two factor authentication |
Verified | Verified Unverified | Verified Unverified |
freiexchange.com | www.lakebtc.com |
@fed_fab | @LakeBTC |
2040 | 2064 |
Website | Website freiexchange.com | Website www.lakebtc.com |
Twitter @fed_fab | Twitter @LakeBTC | |
Number of followers | Number of followers 2040 | Number of followers 2064 |
User rating | 8 user review | 3 user review |
Cryptogeek rating |
Freiexchange user rating is 3.9, based on 8 user reviews. LakeBTC user rating is 2, based on 3 user reviews.
We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each exchange.
We choose the winner based on our TrustScore Rating. Please remember, it’s still up to you which company to choose! How do we calculate Trust Score? |
We choose the winner based on our TrustScore Rating. Please remember, it’s still up to you which company to choose! How do we calculate Trust Score? |
On this page, you can compare Freiexchange with LakeBTC. Which exchange is better to use? You can compare exchange characteristics, fees, trading features, safety, and social media presence.
At the end of this page, you can see our final ratings for both exchanges.
In the table below you can see general information on both exchanges. Freiexchange was founded in 2014 in Norway. LakeBTC was founded in 2013 in China.
When choosing an exchange for trading, you should take into account how long it has been an active market player. Older exchanges usually have a good reputation and tend to be more reliable. It may be a good decision to use the older exchange, which is LakeBTC. At the same time, newer projects may be more technologically advanced.
You should also pay attention to where the exchange is located. Some countries have strict financial regulations, which makes it difficult to seek court assistance when needed.
Freiexchange is Centralized and LakeBTC is Centralized. You can read more about the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized exchanges in this article.
Freiexchange doesn't have a mobile app. LakeBTC doesn't have a mobile app.
LakeBTC has 6 languages available, including English, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish and Swedish.