VeChain (VET) logo
VeChain (VET) logo

VeChain (VET) Price and Reviews 2023

Country: International
Launched: 2015
Market cap: $ 2,294,875,981.9785
Supply: 85,985,041,177.0
Price (USD): $ 0.267
Volume 24h: $ 4,631,469.22866
Change 24h: -18.5%
Algorithm: VeChainThor Authority
Proof type: Proof of Authority
Total coins mined: 55,454,734,800.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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Country: International
Launched: 2015
Market cap: $ 2,294,875,981.9785
Supply: 85,985,041,177.0
Price (USD): $ 0.267
Volume 24h: $ 4,631,469.22866
Change 24h: -18.5%
Algorithm: VeChainThor Authority
Proof type: Proof of Authority
Total coins mined: 55,454,734,800.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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دروبيل (قطرة) هو رمز إثريوم ويعمل كرمز فائدة لمنصة دروبيل. لن يتم إنشاء المزيد من الرموز المميزة ، والتي من المفترض أن تمنع المزيد من الانكماش. يمكنك شراء دروبيل (قطرة) ل كريبتوس (على سبيل المثال ، بتك أو إيث) مع بعض منصات الصرف.
Credits (CS) cryptocurrency was launched in 2018. Being originally based on cryptocurrency Ethereum protocol, this cryptocurrency underwent a swap to the native mainnet. As a result, there are two assets are functioning at the same time: ERC20 CS token and CS coin. Credits token can be purchased in the number of exchanges for cryptos and is available with various wallet applications.