Paxos Standard (PAX) logo
Paxos Standard (PAX) logo

Paxos Standard (PAX) Review

Expert Review
Nov 17, 2020

Paxos Standard (PAX) is a stablecoin that allows users to exchange US dollars for Paxos Standard Tokens to 'transact at the speed of the internet'. It aims to meld the stability of the dollar with blockchain technology. Paxos, the company behind PAX, has a charter from the New York State Department of Financial Services, which allows it to offer regulated services in the cryptoasset space.

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User reviews
Kashif Atkinson 9 December 2021

I consider it a worthy alternative to Tether for its reliability and stability. Paxos is actively taking advantage of new developments in the blockchain by being a regulated and secure cryptocurrency. However, Paxos has almost nothing to stand out from its peers. It's just another good stablecoin

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