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Einsteinium (EMC2) logo

Einsteinium (EMC2) Price and Review 2023

Country: International
Launched: 2014
Market cap: $ 118,962.7644
Supply: 226,938,757.25
Symbol: EMC2
Price (USD): $ 0.5
Volume 24h: $ 0.0
Change 24h: -1.0%
Algorithm: Scrypt
Proof type: PoW
Max supply: 299,792,458.0
Total coins mined: 220,061,781.5
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Block time: 60.0
Expert Review
May 25, 2020

Einsteinium (EMC2) is a decentralized platform that leverages blockchain technology to facilitate scientific research funding. Launched in 2014, the project seeks to revolutionize the way scientific research is funded by enabling anyone to contribute funds to support various research projects. Einsteinium aims to make scientific research more accessible and transparent by creating a community-driven platform where scientists can collaborate and share their findings.

History of Einsteinium (EMC2)

Einsteinium was launched in March 2014 by a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts who sought to create a platform that would enable anyone to contribute to scientific research. The project's founder, who is known only by the pseudonym "EinsteiN", wanted to create a decentralized platform that would be free from the restrictions of traditional funding methods.
Since its launch, Einsteinium has gained a considerable following in the scientific research community, and it has raised over 3 million dollars to fund research projects. The platform's success has been attributed to its innovative approach to funding research projects, which has made it possible for anyone to contribute funds, regardless of their location or financial status.

Technology of Einsteinium (EMC2)

Einsteinium leverages blockchain technology to facilitate the funding of scientific research projects. The platform is built on a fork of the Bitcoin protocol, which has been customized to meet the needs of the scientific research community.
Einsteinium uses a Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm, which is used to secure the network and validate transactions. The platform also features a unique "Kimoto Gravity Well" difficulty adjustment algorithm, which helps to ensure that the network remains stable and secure.
One of the key features of Einsteinium is its "SciFund" program, which is designed to facilitate the funding of scientific research projects. The program allows scientists to submit proposals for research projects, which are then reviewed by the Einsteinium community. Once a project is approved, it is added to the platform's funding pool, and anyone can contribute funds to support the project.

Features of Einsteinium (EMC2)

Einsteinium offers several unique features that make it an attractive platform for scientific research funding. Some of the key features of the platform include:
Decentralized Funding: Einsteinium enables anyone to contribute funds to scientific research projects, regardless of their location or financial status. This decentralized funding model makes it possible for scientists to access the funds they need to conduct research projects, without relying on traditional funding sources.
Transparent Funding: Einsteinium's blockchain technology ensures that all transactions on the platform are transparent and immutable. This helps to ensure that the funding process is fair and transparent, and that there is no room for corruption or fraud.
Community-Driven Platform: Einsteinium is a community-driven platform that is designed to be inclusive and accessible to everyone. The platform's "SciFund" program is a prime example of this, as it allows scientists from all over the world to submit proposals and receive funding.
Proof-of-Work Consensus Algorithm: Einsteinium's use of a Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm helps to ensure that the network remains secure and stable. The platform's "Kimoto Gravity Well" difficulty adjustment algorithm also helps to ensure that the network remains stable and resistant to attacks.
Open-Source Development: Einsteinium's open-source development model ensures that the platform is constantly evolving and improving. Anyone can contribute to the development of the platform, which helps to ensure that it remains relevant and up-to-date.

Our Score
Transaction speed 5 / 5
Technology 5 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Our Score
4.4 / 5
Pros and Cons


Used as a fundraising platform for charities and scientific research


Lacks sufficient popularity

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User reviews
Ronald 23 December 2021

I hold EMC2 just for my love of science. And you? :)

Gillian 24 November 2021

Transaction speed is just awesome! Respect!

James Edwards 30 January 2020

excellent performance!

Country: International
Launched: 2014
Market cap: $ 118,962.7644
Supply: 226,938,757.25
Symbol: EMC2
Price (USD): $ 0.5
Volume 24h: $ 0.0
Change 24h: -1.0%
Algorithm: Scrypt
Proof type: PoW
Max supply: 299,792,458.0
Total coins mined: 220,061,781.5
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Block time: 60.0
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