Binance Coin is a digital asset issued in 2017 by Binance, which is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges. Binance Coin (BNB) is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. The asset is available on most of the big centralized exchanges.
Binance Coin gets strong support both on Binance and Binance DEX. Binance users get discounts for trades with pairs that include BNB, while on Binance DEX most of the trading pairs include BNB. Due to the strong popularity of the brand, the native Binance asset has quickly became a major success and one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It survived harsh 2018 without any notable troubles.
دروبيل (قطرة) هو رمز إثريوم ويعمل كرمز فائدة لمنصة دروبيل. لن يتم إنشاء المزيد من الرموز المميزة ، والتي من المفترض أن تمنع المزيد من الانكماش. يمكنك شراء دروبيل (قطرة) ل كريبتوس (على سبيل المثال ، بتك أو إيث) مع بعض منصات الصرف.
Wanchain is a blockchain-based distributed superfinance marketplace. This is the definition that the developers whitepaper suggests. It is noteworthy that this loud name hides a really interesting filling. The Wanchain platform allows you to exchange digital assets between other blockchains. It uses the latest cryptographic theories to build a non-proprietary cross-chain and distributed ledger protocol that records both cross-chain and internal transactions.