Utility and ease of use drive the crypto adoption. One of the crucial elements of crypto adoption is providing a secure and intuitive crypto gateway so that people who don’t have any crypto would easily buy cryptocurrencies with a bank card and see that acquiring and holding crypto is not that hard....
Read moreهيتبك أصبحت واحدة من التبادلات التشفير لإضافة الدولار الأمريكي، عملة مستقرة جديدة صادرة عن احتياطي ترون داو. الدولار الأمريكي هو أصل مستقر ذاتيا يعتمد على آليات الحوافز التي تسمح للسعر والسيولة بالبقاء عند مستوى ثابت ، وبالتالي فإن العملة ستحافظ دائما على قيمة 1 دولار. على هيتبتك ، فإنه يمكن تداولها...
Read moreHitBTC هو تبادل cryptocurrency مع تاريخ طويل ، وظائف واسعة ، ومجموعة غنية من العملات المدعومة. اليوم ، هذه المنصة هي واحدة من البورصات التي تقدم لمستخدميها ميزة تداول الهامش. على HitBTC ، يمكن للمتداولين الاختيار من بين عشرات الأزواج ذات الرافعة المالية التي تتراوح من 3x إلى 12x. يمكن استخدام تطبيق...
Read moreعلى النقيض من طفرة التشفير في 2017 ، هذه المرة سوق cryptocurrency أقل البرية. هناك العديد من المستثمرين من الشركات ، وهناك مستثمرون مغامرون ، وتجار الأسهم السابقين الذين انضموا إلى تداول/استثمار cryptocurrency. كان العديد من المهنيين المشهورين صريحين حول الدور الإيجابي للعملات المشفرة والشركات الكبرى...
Read moreTether أو USDT هي أول محاولة في العالم لتقريب العملات المشفرة والعملات الورقية معا. ولتحقيق ذلك ، يتم ربط قيمة USDT بقيمة الدولار الأمريكي ، والتغلب على مشكلة شائعة غالبا ما تكون لدى cryptocurrencies ، التقلب. يعتبر Tether "عملة مستقرة" على وجه التحديد لأنه يتغلب على هذا التقلب. في مقال اليوم ، سنرشدك...
Read moreHitBTC, one of the leading digital asset exchanges in terms of market liquidity and trading pairs, has rolled out margin trading for its main platform. This new feature allows users to open positions of a larger size with a smaller initial deposit by using additional funds that are provided by a margin...
Read moreA cryptocurrency wallets platform Freewallet has joined the list of business companies that want to challenge the crisis by making good deeds. In these tense days of ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many companies are trying not only to survive but also to do their best to ease the lives of people. They...
Read moreBack in 2017, stable cryptocurrencies (stablecoins) seemed exotic against the background of volatile cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, then in 2019 they were at the center of world political events: the defeat of the Libra project by the US government, the international condemnation of non-government...
Read moreCryptocurrency rates are constantly growing and falling, changing dramatically, sometimes even during one day. Lack of reliability and trust are the main reasons that digital assets are not yet widespread. Stablecoins were designed to change this. History of stable cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrencies...
Read moreThe largest by capitalization altcoin came out on top in stablecoin reserves, ahead of the Omni system on which it was originally based. Tether transferred 300 million USDT tokens from Omni to the Ethereum blockchain. Token migration was carried out with the participation of an unnamed third party....
Read moreToday only the laziest person has not heard of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology due to the activity of the media and social networks. CoinMarketCap rating is regularly updated with brand-new coins and tokens. Nevertheless, there is one important point that investors need to take into account...
Read moreAccording to prominent OTC trader and Bitfinex shareholder Zhao Dong, Tether plans to launch a new renminbi-pegged currency. The new currency (CNHT) will be backed by Chinese yuans kept offshore. Dong has also stated that the new currency will be issued "in the near future" and the first investor in...
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