
May 13, 2020
Ex-Goldman Sachs Manager: Bitcoin Will Cost $1,000,000 In Three Years

A former Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager Raoul Pal claims Bitcoin is a future of our entire exchange medium. In his research published on March 30, Pal says that he believes that Bitcoin's price will reach $1 million value in a course of three years. Pal's 100+ pages article (most of the pages are...

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May 11, 2020
Blockchain For Health: Reviewing Blockchain Use Cases in Healthcare

As the current pandemic reveals, hospitals are not prepared properly for emergencies. It seems that the national healthcare systems are not prepared for any extraordinary situations. Wall Street Journal has pointed at the way blockchain platforms could improve the situation so the hospitals would receive...

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May 09, 2020
Cybercriminals Take Advantage of COVID Pandemic - Be Careful!

In the days when millions of people have to communicate with colleagues, friends, and family members distantly via video conferences apps, cybercriminals are looking for new opportunities. Some people in need of socialization found their devices blocked by the villains demanding to pay a ransom in BTC....

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May 07, 2020
لماذا نحتاج بلوكشين? مراجعة فضيحة سياسة استرداد تيكت ماستر

اليوم سنتحدث عن سلبيات الخدمات المركزية التي يديرها الإنسان في سياق التغييرات الأخيرة في سياسة استرداد الأموال الفاضحة. ما الذي حصل؟ لماذا نحتاج إلى حلول بلوكتشين? بائعي تذاكر بلوكتشين الحاليين خاتمة ما الذي حصل؟ نظرا لأن الأحداث العامة قد تكون خطيرة بسبب خطر الإصابة بكوفيد 19 ، فقد تم حظر...

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May 05, 2020
Cryptocurrencies vs Coronavirus - Who Is Winning?

As we have written earlier, cryptocurrencies seem to grow stronger in the wake of the financial crisis. Now that the market is strong it uses this strength to help people. Bitcoin was created as a remedy for the ill post-crisis economy. These days the diverse cryptocurrency market is already providing...

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May 04, 2020
يكشف فيروس كورونا أن العملات المشفرة مقاومة للأزمات

قيل مرات عديدة من قبل أنه في أيام الكوارث ، سيعتبر العديد من الأشخاص العملات المشفرة ملاذا ماليا آمنا. لسنوات كان هذا الادعاء بالكاد من الممكن تأكيده أو رفضه ولكن هذه المرة يبدو أننا سنرى ما إذا كان صحيحا. ضرب فيروس كورونا الأخبار مباشرة بعد الأخبار المزعجة حول التوترات الجيوسياسية في الشرق الأوسط وانهيار...

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May 03, 2020
CoronaCoin: Price Is Human Lives - Coin Review And Details

The developers created the most creepy cryptocurrency in the world - CoronaCoin, and its price directly depends on human lives. The faster the coronavirus spreads and the more people get sick and die from the disease, the faster the cost of the token takes off. However, the goal of creating crypto is...

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