NFT marketplace是一个仅限邀请的顶级平台,您可以在其中发现不可替代的数字资产,来自艺术,设计,娱乐,体育等世界的官方许可加密收藏品。 已经策划了主流和数字艺术家的a-list名单,合作为其仅限邀请平台发布新的独特作品,包括Aston Martin Cognizant Formula OneTM,Axel Mansoor,BossLogic,Boy George,KCamp,KLOUD,Klarens Malluta与Lionel Richie,Brainwash先生,OPUS,Snoop Dogg等
Cryptocustomercare is a team of support providers who can solve the technical problems which are affecting your Cryptocurrency trading. Its support team can utilize a reliable troubleshooting process to address and fix your technical issues. The team of talented and experienced Cryptocurrency Customer Support can detect your technical issues and fix them to your needs.
The CryptoDude is a cryptocurrency site directory that strives to have the ultimate collection of the best cryptocurrency sites and services. CryptoDude is the best cryptocurrency site and tool that sorts the projects by quality.
CryptoGilet was founded in the year 2012 by Michael Gauvin in Paris, France. We are a financial platform that operates in investments with cryptocurrencies.
Cryptohopper是一个算法加密货币交易平台(用于交易机器人)。 这些平台用于交易者策略的自动化。 更重要的是,Cryptohopper可以用来接收来自专业交易者(信号员)的信号。 该平台本身不是交易所,因此用户在侧面交易所进行交易。 该过程通过API密钥进行管理。 Cryptohopper是在荷兰阿姆斯特丹创建的。 机器人被视为软件即服务。 Cryptohopper拥有具有丰富功能的用户友好界面的组合。
CryptoKruz is the most recent and prominent Auto-Pilot Bitcoin trading system programmed with flexible but yet complex algorithms with great machine efficiency.
CryptoMiso是一种工具,可根据其在GitHub(全球软件开发托管)上的活动对加密货币进行排名。 CryptoMiso于2018年初在加密货币日益普及的最前沿推出。在撰写本文时,此监视活动涵盖265个加密项目。
Cryptonit - Open Source JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator completely based on Bitaddress project
CryptoTrader.Tax是超过30,000加密投资者使用的加密货币税收计算器和软件平台。 该公司位于密苏里州堪萨斯城。 CryptoTrader.税收允许投资者只需点击一个按钮即可导入其历史加密交易。 该软件做所有的数字处理,并为您提供自动填写的税务表格,您可以插入TurboTax或给您的会计师。
Cryptowatch(应该与CryptoWatch移动应用程序区分开来)是Kraken平台用户的优质图表和交易服务,允许他们访问25+交易所的实时市场数据。 在Cryptowatch的帮助下,您不仅可以跟踪和监控市场数据,还可以与流行的加密交易所进行交易。
CryptoWater is a sustainable water transparency startup project backed by blockchain timestamps. The idea was born in 2017. MVP was released and showcased in march 10th, 2018. The project gained recognition in 2019 and was awarded an international award "Responsible towards water" at the annual Bled Water festival held in Bled, Slovenia. The founder is now taking the MVP into a fully functional product in a form of micro-scale water bottling facility.
CryptX终端是一个一站式加密交易平台,具有与使用交易机器人相关的广泛功能。 重要的是要注意,CryptX终端提供的功能不仅限于交易机器人功能。 相反,该平台通过分析工具,市场套利和其他功能提供丰富的交易体验。
Dabby is a fully automated solution in the DeFi Lend space, built on the basis of Defi lending rates across multiple platforms and does not require KYC, accounts, and has no trading restrictions.
DAOGroup联合了这些项目,这些项目带来了基于DAOBet本机区块链的尖端的去中心化协议解决方案,该解决方案自2016年以来开发,最近由验证者启动。 DAOGroup生态系统由DAOPlatform,DAOWallet和DAOGames组成。
Digital Assets AG offers a fully compliant setup for tokenizing financial products for professional clients. You can learn how you can implement our solution on your platform. Located in Herisau, Switzerland, Digital Assets AG (DAAG), facilitates the tokenization of securities like US-listed equities, packaging them into a compliant token to be easily traded by the world's largest crypto exchanges. DAAG is the most efficient and economical way for the world's largest digital asset exchanges to combine traditional finance from yesterday with the fin-tech offerings of tomorrow.
Dsdaq is a bridge between the conventional financial world and the cryptocurrency ecosystem. With the Dsdaq app, users can easily explore and trade hundreds of global financial assets. Dsdaq has pioneered the business model of cryptocurrency collateral trading in the world and opened a gate towards global markets for both crypto believers and traditional investors.
DSL协议由Stacktical创建,以解决与SLA相关的问题。 有时协议会被违反-网络的运行延迟更长,连接不是那么稳定,并且支持无法及时提供。 所有这些问题都会导致客户方面的损失。 DSL协议旨在抵消DeFi平台用户的损失,同时激励网络恢复正常性能。 这个目标是通过自动化的去中心化框架实现的。 DSL协议应该是我们今天所知道的SLA合同的替代品。