BTCSweet不收取任何维护费用。合同是“终生的”(这意味着没有确定的合同期限,并且在所选的采矿计划变得无利可图时结束)。该平台接受比特币或Payeer,Perfect Money或PayPal的付款。
I'm not serious about the BTCsweet, I fully understand that it's not the place for professional mining. Otherwise, it doesn't seem that they're scums, the structure of the work is quite clear and the website has the full description of the platform and how it works. It's small but good working, in my opinion.
I didn't believe, that the cloud pool is able to provide any solid mining. But, I gotta say that it is. At same time, you have to take into account that you won't get any huge profit, but if you'd like to get some BTC or LTC it's quite possible here.
I don't know whether they are scum or not, I didn't use the pool a lot. I deposited some small amount and I was succeeded, so, for my humble aims it works fine.
Well, firstly, it works smoothly, just a couple of month, but then it seems to me I've reached the limit and I can't earn anything at all. I've been following the same pattern, but after recent depositing I got nothing, that's a strange thing
All this cloud mining platform looks suspicious for me. But I've decided to try and it works and it's heloe to earn something. I don't know how long it will last but today it's fine so far