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Oxalus NFT Social Commerce Platform Review 2023

国家: Vietnam
推出日期: 2022
网站: oxalus.io
Jun 27, 2023

Oxalus is an advanced social commerce platform centered on NFTs: it updates market news in real-time, allows users to follow potential wallet addresses and NFT collections, keeps users up to date on upcoming NFT projects, and authorizes users to create content on Oxalus (create posts, stories, in-depth analysis articles, etc.) while chatting and connecting with others.  

In particular, Oxalus connect with market factors like NFT aggregator, which enables NFT pro traders to buy NFTs from multiple marketplaces at the best prices and save up to 88% on gas fees; analytics tool, which enables users to explore and visualize big data from the blockchain, keep track of all activities of your wallet and collection, etc., subsequently assisting users in taking more profits through informed decisions.

The following is a list of features that can be found on the Oxalus:

Oxalus features 


Oxalus Feed is a place where you follow people and things you care about. Your newsfeed includes activities of wallet addresses, NFT collections you follow, and content from other creators. You will get the wallets and collections suggestions relevant to your interests and unique insights from Oxalus Alpha, XomNFT,... Besides, you can see the comprehensive calendar of upcoming NFT projects.

The Feed displays content in chronological order, so the most recent updates will always appear at the top of your feed. When you close the feed, you'll return to whichever timeline you had open last, so you can easily pick up where you left off.

To get started using Oxalus, go to Oxalus.io and log in. Search the collections and wallets that you are interested in, follow them and all their activities will then appear on Your Feed.

Here, we’re introducing the types of posts you see in your feed:

Spotted Feature

What’s happening today? The spotted section keeps traders updated to upcoming NFT projects which are scheduled to be minted. The specific minting time, date and price will be displayed on the “Upcoming NFT” tab, which gives assistance to traders to buy at the lowest price. 

News & Media

Where traders are able to catch up with breaking NFT news provided by Oxalus researchers and well-known Twitter accounts. The news has been updated hourly and daily to help users stay as updated as possible with the NFT market so that they can make decisions rapidly to optimize profits. Additionally, when utilizing this feature, Oxalus users can build for themselves an objective overview and instantaneous adoption even in the bear or bull market. 


Also known as Oxalus Highlight. This feature detects and ranks outstanding Collections and Wallets in the last 24 hours, and includes 2 leaderboards: 

  • Top collections with the highest 24-hour volume,
  • Top gainers with the highest 24-hour PNL and more.

Analytics Tool

The analytics are further refined by indicating whether the transactions were made from a normal wallet or a tagged wallet, such as "BC holder" or "Top Trader." This allows users to quickly identify wallet movements and highlight notable transactions in the collection.

Collection section

Here, NFT collections will be on display. Users can recognize names like Mutant Ape Yacht Club and Crypto Punks, among others. Oxalus provides users with multidimensional data and charts for each NFT collection, enabling them to:

  • Analyze price and volume trends
  • Analyze holder trends
  • Discover tagged wallets within the collection
  • Stay up-to-date with on-chain activities

Data is integrated from multiple NFT Marketplaces to diversify the user's portfolio.


This feature is similar to Collection, only the difference is that, instead of following Collection, users will keep track of Wallets. These wallets are owned by pro-NFT traders, users can get:

  • Analyze asset
  • Analyze profit and loss
  • Stay up-to-date with on-chain activities

Note that all metrics in wallet analytics currently focus on valuable collections, as determined by the 10,000+ collections that represented 99% of the total market volume in the last year.

My Following

After following a collection or wallet, users can monitor its metrics and statistics on the "My Watchlist" page. Additionally, users can view all real-time updates, on-chain activities and custom the report base on their interests.

How To Create An Oxalus Account

There are two ways to create an Oxalus account. You can create a new account from the Oxalus app or Oxalus.io 

Computer Help

  1. Go to Oxalus.io and click Connect Wallet
  2. Select Metamask wallet and log in to the MetaMask extension.
  3. Accept and sign the contract at the Metamask wallet.

Note: Creating multiple profiles is allowed on the Oxalus platform.

Mobile App Help

  1. Open your Oxalus app and tap Connect Wallet
  2. Select the wallet you want to connect, such as Metamask, then Accept the connection request
  3. To finish creating your account, you need to verify the account by Tap Verify Address and signing a message on the wallet.


Oxalus is a perfect place for NFT enthusiasts to grow connections and profits. It’s right for you if you want to buy and analyze NFT through the marketplaces. Or if you are looking for a platform to share, create content, and make friends in the NFT space.


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国家: Vietnam
推出日期: 2022
网站: oxalus.io
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