Xena Exchange是提供BTC,ETH和USDT市场的集中式加密货币交易所。
Xena提供杠杆交易。可以用BTC,ETH或USDT为账户注资。 Maker的费用从0.05%开始,Taker的费用从0.1%开始,并根据级别级别进一步降低。
请在这里分享您对Xena Exchange的评论。
XENA is a kind of new exchange. It’s got its own perspective. I see that it was legally registered and it looks pretty secure. But I was trying to make some transactions and they passed through extremely slow. The volume is not so high here and I believe it could affect the operations on the platform.
The tech team of xena promised fast transactions and withdrawals.But actualy i don't think that 2 or 3 days is that fast.The support was telling me that's ok that how it goes. Well, I'm thinking about to find something new to trade because I'd like to trade smoothly.
Frankly, it seems to me that the platform is quite all right. But I also have to admit that sometimes transactions can take a long time and it can mess my trading plan.
Don't know what this fuss is all about, I've been trading here since June i have more than 10 successful transactions. I wouldn't say that i have waiting problem with them, that have been completed within two days. In addition i appreciate a low fee here and I'm gonna use this platform.
It seems just fine but I often have problems with the website. It doesn’t work from time to time I was told to clean it up and delete cookies. But should I do that all the time?I’ve deleted everything I had in my browser but the problem still the same. The website shows me some errors and it’s kinda frustrating.