在Aphelion,收购者支付0.07%的费用,而制造商则根本不支付任何费用。押金为零。另外,您根本无需支付任何提款费。 Aphelion钱包/ DEX可在台式机(Windows,Mac和Linux)上以及通过移动设备使用(IOS和Android)获得。此外,它还具有基于Web的钱包版本。钱包/ DEX支持7种语言,包括荷兰语,英语,德语,俄语,中文,韩语和日语。 Aphelion钱包可让您轻松快捷地管理硬币。
可以设置发送硬币的费用。这样的好处是您的事务具有更高的优先级,并且处理速度更快。 NEO / GAS / APH有3个市场,具有不同的NEP-5对,您可以在其中交易以下硬币:NEX,DBC,TOLL,ASA,NKN,PHX,SOUL,EFX,CPX,TKY等。来自美国和其他国家/地区的公民或居民,因为他们从未拥有过用户资产。
The platform blindsided me and decided to disable all my trades on the platform. That's very interesting why they did that. Doest it mean, that the exchange is a loss-making?
A small and new place. It's got a number of the features like peer-to-peer trade and decentralized system. The exchange can be quite popular some day. But, at that moment, there a lot of rivals and the aphelion developers have to do their best and resolve the liquidity issue on order to attract the traders.
A Brand new exchange. It's a decentralized exchange and it's got its own perspective. But at that moment the liquidity is not so high, and it imposes some limits.