Nervos网络将自己描述为一个开源的公共区块链生态系统和协议集合。 Nervos Ckb(公共知识库)是nervos网络的第1层工作证明公共区块链协议。 据报道,它允许任何加密资产以比特币的安全性,不变性和无许可性存储,同时实现智能合约和第2层扩展。 它旨在通过其"价值存储"加密经济设计和本地令牌ckbyte来捕获总网络价值。
The project has come a long and ambitious path and many are already ready to choose it for cooperation and promotion. CKB can be called multipurpose, especially considering that it runs on its own blockchain. I was happy to join such a community and continue to enjoy all the benefits of CKB