Zionodes is the world’s leading marketplace for Bitcoin mining. One-Stop-Shop for Data centres, resellers of mining hardware and miners. The platform provides a 2-factor authentication, high-grade security measures. Zionodes accepts cryptocurrency payments and allows users to choose farm operators and resellers on open statistics appropriate to your budget.
BuyUcoin是印度最值得信赖和先进的数字货币兑换. 该服务支持多种功能和产品,可以轻松购买,出售,交易和存储加密货币。 拥有超过350,000名客户,他们保证BuyUcoin可以轻松进行数字资产交易。 该服务的使命是将加密货币带入一百万个印度口袋。
Digital Assets AG offers a fully compliant setup for tokenizing financial products for professional clients. You can learn how you can implement our solution on your platform. Located in Herisau, Switzerland, Digital Assets AG (DAAG), facilitates the tokenization of securities like US-listed equities, packaging them into a compliant token to be easily traded by the world's largest crypto exchanges. DAAG is the most efficient and economical way for the world's largest digital asset exchanges to combine traditional finance from yesterday with the fin-tech offerings of tomorrow.
BILLCRYPT is a multifunctional Blockchain integration system of representative offices of companies, professional communities, specialists and products. Blockchain representation (BR) is created by users in the form of decentralized applications (DApp) on the blockchain with a comfortable interface. On the basis of the platform, an interblockchain infrastructure of technological and economic properties is being built, uniting blockchain projects and projects of the real sector.
Quppy是一个分散的贷款和支付服务和许可的多币种支付系统。 Quppy于2017年由银行、金融和信息安全领域公认的专家开发,他们曾为世界领先的公司工作。 Quppy是一个支付解决方案,所有类型的银行交易与比特币,比特币现金,莱特币,以太坊和法定货币欧元。
CoinBae is a global cryptocurrency market data provider, giving traders across all markets access to reliable and real-time data. Coinbae provides the most reliable data on Crypto prices, coin and exchange rankings, DeFi and yield farms to name a few. Join our community and sign up for the best market updates! Trade, Love, Crypto.
BrickSteel Enterprises Infotech Private Limited (BSEtec) is the progressive brand, in offering unique custom logical solutions for digital technology and digital designs. The service goes beyond traditional boundaries and creates new futuristic solutions for the challenges arising in this competitive world of technology, entertainment and branding.
Shamla Tech is a team of enthusiastic developers striving to come up with leading-edge ideas and transform them into practical enterprise-grade solutions. This platform loves to solve problems and set fresh standards in the business space.
在2018中,我们的团队决定在加密货币挖掘领域创建一个独特的产品。 我们团队的每个成员都从事其狭窄的专业化,这使我们能够提供一个名为SHAMINING的真正卓越的平台。 我们的目标是创造一个优质的产品,将受到我们的合作伙伴和客户的好评。 我们还努力让用户能够理解它,并能够让他们完全沉浸在挖掘过程中。
CoinJoy is a user-friendly and convenient crypto news aggregator. Create your own news feed from trusted, hand-picked sources. Learn about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and new technologies from exclusive articles in the Media section. Use all the functionality of the site to immerse yourself in the crypto world with maximum comfort. Choose between dark and light themes, enjoy the absence of banner ads and pop-ups. Only you and pure information. The CoinJoy.io team has big development plans and is already working on new site features.
CryptoWater is a sustainable water transparency startup project backed by blockchain timestamps. The idea was born in 2017. MVP was released and showcased in march 10th, 2018. The project gained recognition in 2019 and was awarded an international award "Responsible towards water" at the annual Bled Water festival held in Bled, Slovenia. The founder is now taking the MVP into a fully functional product in a form of micro-scale water bottling facility.
密码贸易是一个完全自动化的基于网络的交易服务. 通过使用个人选择的过滤器,该项目使您能够自动购买或出售您的加密货币。
bestdealstoken is a type of cryptocurrency, which can be spent and traded just like any other currency. However the main difference is unlike bank-issued currencies, bestdealstoken has no central authority or anyone controlling bestdealstoken. bestdealstoken is controlled only by its users.
Rubic的目标是将多链p2p交易添加到现有服务中,并开发流动性池等其他产品,使其简单易用。 每个区块链都有自己的优势,Rubic的目标是让用户有机会利用每个区块链的优势来解决他们面临的问题。
Itez是一种使用Visa和Mastercard银行卡购买比特币的快速简单方法。 每次出售或购买比特币,Itez解决方案集成的web资源的所有者将获得约0.75%的报酬。
Valobit Technology is an advanced cybersecurity solution that will proactively identify hackers and distribute their profile information to the protected community over the blockchain.
CoinGate是一个网关cryptocurrency支付服务,成立于2014年在立陶宛维尔纽斯。 该服务可以由商家使用,以便在加密货币中进行付款。 CoinGate提供了一个机会,以固定的1%费用接受大约50加密货币的付款。 除了加密货币之外,CoinGate接受欧元和美元,所以在加密中感到不舒服的客户(或那些根本没有加密的客户)可以用法定货币支付。 银行转账,电话信用,并与借记卡或信用卡支付也可以通过CoinGate。 此外,该平台可用于出售cryptocurrency。 在这次审查中,我们将观察这个平台的主要功能,并会试图弄清楚CoinGate是否是一个骗局,并且使用它是否安全。
CoinTandem允许最终用户在完成高效的一次性合规流程后,通过电汇或信用卡购买比特币。 该网站是菲亚特与加密世界之间的门户,使过程清晰而简单。
Coinpedia是领先的独立数字媒体资源,涵盖区块链技术,加密资产和新兴金融科技趋势的广泛新闻。 团队每天都从分散的和集中的世界提供最准确和最新的新闻。 Coinpedia讲述有利于读者的故事。