Vethor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2024-2030 - Invest or Not?

Vethor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2024-2030 - Invest or Not?
Sep 20, 2024 4
Vethor (VTHO) Price Prediction 2024-2030 - Invest or Not?

As blockchain technology gains popularity and usability, more and more projects arise and many individual and collective investors, such as big companies and even governments, hop on this innovative tech wagon, from crypto etfs to BAAS (blockchain as a service).

One of the hottest trending projects of 2021 (and, as of now, 2022) was Vechain, a dual ecosystem blockchain that functions with, you guessed it, two tokens: VTHO and VET. 

And, as in every “hot” project that gains track and popularity in a very competitive market, the question arises: Will VTHO be making new crypto millionaires in 2022? What are the price predictions for this token?

As we dive into a VTHO crypto price prediction for the foreseeable future from 2022 to 2030, let’s dive into a quick 101 lesson about this promising blockchain project, its usability and tokenomics. 

What is VTHO?

First things first, let’s start with the blockchain in which VTHO is used and the project behind it.

International commerce and logistics industries rely heavily in the use of traditional technology (like QR codes and NFC) in order to be able to control and trace products and shipments around the globe.

Vechain offers logistics and traceability solutions by using IoT technology to companies in this industry.

Initially launched in the Ethereum blockchain rounding up 20 millions in their ICO, its own native blockchain was launched in 2018 and it’s described as “The public blockchain that derives its value from activities created by members within the ecosystem solving real world economic problems” by the project developers themselves (

As stated before, this is a dual ecosystem containing two tokens: VET and VTHO. 
VET acts as a value carrier, being used for making transactions inside the platform and for staking, for which you receive VTHO as interest.

VTHO is a functional token, which means you need to pay with VTHO if you wish to transfer information or execute smart contracts. If you wish to further read on the difference between the two tokens, click here.

Albeit Vechain’s service cannot be considered 100% decentralized, it is considered transparent and trustworthy enough to make a difference and pave the way into a decentralized chain of supplies and logistics. It’s kind of a pretty big deal if you ask me.
In this vtho price prediction, we’ll take a look towards the near future up until 2030 and also take a look at the project from its inception until now. 

Now onto the juicy stuff: the VTHO price predictions


According to Cryptopolitan, Vethor token is predicted to reach $0.008 in 2022. This is a Vethor price prediction I can get behind, if we consider that the token has been able to withstand the bearish moment the crypto market is living, keeping a stable price trend.

A small increase from its current price ($0.003552) is to be expected, although, keeping in consideration there must always be some room for error, I set the bar at $0.0005-$0.0006 for 2022.

Let’s say you buy 100$ worth of VeThor at current price ($0.003 = 33333 VTHO tokens) - with the predicted price increase of $0.006, the initial 100$ would turn into 199$, resulting in a ROI of 99%. If we lower our expectations and set the bar for $0.005, you’d end up with a 66.67% ROI ($166.67).  


The bullish momentum the market is expected to gain throughout 2022, once Bitcoin’s price rebounds back to the ATH of 2021 and hopefully surpasses it, is predicted to continue during 2023. And with that, VeThor is poised to reach a new ATH and increase its value,according to PricePrediction, from the predicted $0.006 in 2022 to $0.011, breaking established resistance levels and setting them as a new support. If you bought 100$ worth of VeThor at the current price of $0.003, in 2023 your $100 initial investment would be worth $366,66, resulting in a ROI of 266.66%. 

I agree with the bullish momentum predicted by PricePrediction, as the very much needed corrections the market is now experiencing, will settle down and allow for good projects like VeChain to not only rebound but surpass previous ATH. 

Once more, let’s take a more conservative approach and set the bar at $0.009. Your initial $100 are now worth $300 - not bad huh? Resulting in a 200% ROI. 


As explained in this article, VeChains network offers solutions to some important limitations on the Ethereum Blockchain. By being VTHO’s parent network, increased attention and usage of VeChain will also increase VTHO’s demand and its price.

A bullish momentum is also expected for the token on this year, and the most optimistic price prediction, as per TradingBeast, situates the token price in $0.016.

I like being a bit more cautious setting up a price prediction, as some error margin is always necessary taking into consideration the obvious crypto market volatility.

Let’s go down the TradingBeast road and assume the price reaches $0.016, your initial $100 invested at today’s 0.003$ price are now worth $533,328, resulting in a ROI of 433%.

If we were to be more cautious, but still bullish, and place the prediction at $0.013. Your initial $100 invested at the price of $0.003, are now worth $433,32, meaning your ROI is 333%. 


Wallet Investor forecast is very optimistic and runs on the prediction of a bullish market - their VeThor price prediction indicate it. Long-term investors are ideal for the project, as by staking the tokens in the VeChain network, the own platform predicts an increase in the price. This price prediction sets the bar at $0.022 - which isn’t a reach at all, if we consider that the past 3 years price prediction (from 2022 to 2024) are most likely to happen, this $0.022 shows a steady increase of about 0.006$ per year in the token’s price. Steady and sustainable. No overnight millionaires, but a pretty safe long-term investment.

If you bought $100 dollars worth of VTHO at current price of $0.003, in 2025 you’d have $733,32, resulting in a ROI of 633,32%. 


Once again, I pair my prediction with those of Wallet Investor on this one. An increase from $0.022 to $0.0366 is significant, but also sustainable for a network that’s on the brink of its 10-year anniversary. Consolidated customers, broader acceptance by developers and general public, and being the first of its kind will pump the price to new ATH and move a bit faster up the chart compared to previous years.

Your 100$ invested on VeThor today, will be worth $1219,98 in 2027, meaning you got a ROI of 1120%. 


The VeThor token is set to continue a steady rise throughout the decade, non-stop consolidation and bigger trading volumes - again explained by the increasing popularity and adherence to the network, with increased traction as the years pass by and the network’s development team continue to improve an already solid project. 

By 2030, Cryptopolitan once again meets me in the middle, and sets the bar at $0.15. Some more optimistic forecasts placed the token’s price at $0.18. 
But given that corrections in the crypto market (and every market, actually) are always going to happen and volatility increases, a $0.15 value is a realistic average price to expect. 

Your 100$ invested at a $0.003 rate will be worth $4999.95 - a 4899% ROI.

VTHO Analysis in the Past Several Years

As eager as one might be trying to nail a 100% accurate Vethor price prediction, the best of technical analysis couldn’t fully assure it, and we well know previous gains don’t guarantee future ones.

So diving in more deeply into the project, upgrades and roadmap milestones achieved definitely plays a role in deciding whether there’s a future in it and in which direction the price chart is most likely to move.

This deep dive also allows us to understand what’s been happening with the project and some of the price fluctuations caused by those events. 

VeChain was founded in 2015 by Sunny Lu (Louis Vuitton CTO, 20+ years of experience with supply chains) and Jay Zhang (Senior manager in Finance and risk management for PwC China and Deloitte, 15 years of experience). The two founders behind this project have extensive knowledge and experience in supply chain and logistics, which clearly shows their almost immediate success when presenting VeChain to the world and doing the ICO.

In the early stages of the project, VeChain was running on the Ethereum blockchain and had a single token - VEN. A rebranding and the creation of its own blockchain took place in 2018, and thus the dual-token ecosystem came to be, with VET and VTHO. 

As per the project’s papers “VTHO represents the underlying cost of using VeChainThor and will be consumed (or, in other words, destroyed) after on-chain operations are performed.” 

On its launch in 2018, the VTHO token started trading with the right foot, at a price of $0.031 per token. A decrease in value about two weeks later to $0.0017, having rebounded briefly to $0.004 after a few days, before settling within the $0.0003-$0.0012 price range between 2018 - 2021. This happened due to an overall market decrease, with Bitcoin taking the lead and seeing the price fall 65% between January and February of that year. By November 2018, Bitcoin’s price hit a new low since the previous year of $3100 - this had repercussions throughout the year and the market.

Despite this, VeChain’s network was dubbed “the only one survivor of this year’s cryptocurrency slaughter” in 2018 according to CNBC

In February 2021, VTHO prices soared and reached ATH that hadn’t been seen since its ICO in 2018. This happened in line with the Ethereum gas fees going through the roof ( As much as $2000 in gas only were charged for a transaction, and so the traders began searching for new gas tokens and cheaper alternatives. VTHO’s price soared as the network, being notably cheaper than ETH network,  saw an increase in users.

On May 2021, the crypto currency market dip wreaked havoc in both experienced and inexperienced users and panic trades were made and crypto stakes sold. Not only did a massive sell-off happened, but those traders who seeked to buy at a lower rate immediately began to acquire the under-valued tokens (VTHO included) - which lead to network congestion, again. The carnage seemed to stop around August 2021, and the fall taken by VTHO was on its way to be fixed, going from $0.004 to $0.015. 

In the last quarter of 2021 things were looking pretty good for the project, with notable companies using VeChainThor tracking service, like Frank and Oak and Deadstock marketplace announcing plans to use this blockchain’s technology for authentication in the US and Canadian markets.

A price consolidation took place and the VeChainThor live network completed the 1st stage of upgrading to a PoA 2.0 consensus mechanism in November 2021.  Which took the price from a $0.007 low to a $0.011 high. 
As of the writing of this article, VTHO price was trading at $0.035 price, having decreased in value following the market correction that started on December 2021. 


Is VTHO (Vethor) a good investment?

Considering the rising of blockchain technology and its usability and the dire need for providing a transparent and trustworthy supply chain traceability, VeChain seems like a safe bet when it comes to pioneering in its field and stablishing itself as the go-to BAAS for logistics and transportation industry (no transportation, no food or medicine!). 
*As always, do your own research before investing in a project. 

What will be VTHO price in 10 years?

Although an accurate Vethor price prediction in a 10-year time span is hard and doesn’t exempt a token from completely falling off track, the general feeling points to a rise in the current price, situated in the 0.008$-0.009$ zone, to 0.22$-0.27$. 

Should you buy VTHO now?

There’s a very popular saying that can be applied to numerous investment opportunities: “The best time to invest was 10 years ago; the second best time is now”. Considering the current price of VTHO is not even a cent and the very optimistic and project-backed expectations for its project, a good time to buy it would be now, thus allowing you to harvest serious gains once the double zeros disappear from the price chart, proving all those bullish vethor token price prediction true.


VeChain aims to provide solutions in the supply chain management, where products, shipments and traceability information itself are subject to be hacked, altered and forged. By combining already existing tracing technology, (like the previous mentioned QR codes, NFC and radio-frequency), VeChain strives for the integration of a product’s or shipment’s info on the product itself, allowing transparency and immutability that the blockchain provides by registering and managing all of this. It also aims to provide this solutions in a cost-friendly way, which certainly helps the cause by getting more and more companies to sign-in. 

In its own documentation, VeChain states:

“One of the main reasons for this is that there hasn’t been an effective governance structure set up from Ethereum’s very beginning that would allow efficient and transparent transitions (upgrades) of the protocol to adapt to new challenges or innovations. Secondly, Ethereum lacks a suitable economic model to allow enterprises to run their dApps with a controllable and predictable cost.”

To be able to do what it says it does, VeChain’s blockchain needs to be able to support a great number of transactions per second, which is why the project has opted for a PoA consensus.

Albeit this algorithm is more centralized, up to 10.000 transactions per second can be validated - surpassing consolidated transactional platforms such as VISA. 
Given that its usability and cost-friendly approach have a saved spot amongst users (that we could observe in the beginning of 2021 when Ethereum network failed to do this) and the network's increased popularity will only gain momentum from now on, it is safe to say that investing in both VeChain and VeThor, as their trading volumes and price are symbiotic, is a good way of keeping a well-balanced portfolio. 

The million dollar question is: will VTHO make you a crypto millionaire? Perhaps, if you invest heavily at the lowest price and patiently wait it out for more than a couple of years. VeThor is a good long-term investment, with a significant increase in price and popularity in the foreseeable future.

The opinions and assessments expressed in the text are the views of the author of the article and may not represent the position of Cryptogeek. Do not forget that investing in cryptocurrencies and trading on the exchange is associated with risk. Before making decisions, be sure to do your own research on the market and the products you are interested in.

21 August 2023
When is a cheese not what it seems? When it’s
a fake parmesan.

Italy’s renowned parmigiano reggiano, favoured for finishing off bowls of pasta and rocket salads, is one of the most counterfeited cheeses in the world.
Now its manufacturers have found a new way to hit back against the lookalikes: by adding microchips.

The move is the latest innovation from the Parmigiano
Reggiano Consortium (PRC), the association which oversees production, which has been trying for a century to fight off cheaper imitations that do not follow
the exacting requirements to make the real deal.

The cheese, which can trace its history back to the middle ages,
gained the EU’s prized protected designation of origin (PDO) status
in 1996. Under those rules parmigiano reggiano – the only kind which can be called parmesan within Europe –
must be made in a small part of northern Italy, including in the provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia.

Cheese and chips

18 August 2023
When is a cheese not what it seems? When it’s a fake parmesan.

Italy’s renowned parmigiano reggiano, favoured for finishing off bowls
of pasta and rocket salads, is one of the most
counterfeited cheeses in the world. Now its manufacturers have found a new
way to hit back against the lookalikes: by adding microchips.

The move is the latest innovation from the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium (PRC), the association which oversees production, which has been trying for a century to fight
off cheaper imitations that do not follow the exacting requirements to make the real deal.

The cheese, which can trace its history back to the middle ages, gained the EU’s prized protected designation of origin (PDO) status in 1996.

Under those rules parmigiano reggiano –
the only kind which can be called parmesan within Europe – must
be made in a small part of northern Italy, including in the provinces of Parma
and Reggio Emilia.

Cheese and chips

14 July 2022

14 July 2022
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