Bit-Z is a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange that was launched towards the end of 2016. It is one of the top ten crypto exchanges around the world in terms of the reported trading volume.
FreiExchange was founded in 2016 in Norway by a team of local enthusiasts aiming to support Freicoin, an old crypto, that is also called “Bitcoin with demurrage”. The trading volume on this platform is rather moderate. As of now, it offers 31 cryptocurrency pairs with Bitcoin as a counter currency.
Coinmixed exchange allows buying/selling cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDT, USDC in exchange for Forint or EURO. The exchange fee for buy/sell orders is 3.5%. The exchange only accepts SEPA bank transfers for payments. The sale and purchase of cryptocurrencies from USDT and USDC are automated, the exchange fee is 0.1%. The exchange has 0-24 Bitcoin ATMs in Budapest, Hungary.