RuDEX is a Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based in the N/A. The exchange was launched in 2017. Its reported volume is about 0 $ as for 8 October 2019.
RuDEX has 19 available trading pairs and 11 coins. Deposits are on the exchange.
RuDEX doesn't have Fiat deposits option. Margin trading opti...
ChangeHero is a platform for instant cryptocurrency exchange. The service was based in Costa Rica and operated since 2017. To use the service, you do not need to register an account. Exchanges are conducted simply and anonymously and in matter of few minutes.
Bittrex was founded in 2014 in Seattle, USA. There is also a Bittrex International division, which is based in Europe. The list of coins and pairs is reaching hundreds which is great for many trading opportunities.