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InstaSwap is a non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange. It allows buying, selling, and swapping cryptocurrencies. The platform is launched by Blocktech Private Company which is registered with Hellenic Capital Markets Commission. This registration is a sign telling us that the company is legit and is subjected to thorough audits. InstaSwap is available for use in the US.
Bitinka exchange and broker service offers a wide range of fiat pairs, as well as the option to buy/sell top crypto coins in local currency. The platform’s primary focus is Latin America.
Update: The exchange is closed, possibly exit scammed. The exchange website is gone and the old domain is used for advertising. CoinPlace offered a wide range of tokens for trading. The exchange’s website had English and Russian language versions. The trading commission made 0.2% for a position paid in crypto. For unverified users, the daily withdrawal limit was 100 USD. The native token of the platform - CLP - was available for purchase and trading. Twitter Media of the company has not seen any updates since January, 2019.