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imToken Wallet Review

Country: Singapore
Launched: 2016
Security: Personal
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic, Open Source
Platforms: Android, iOS
Source code URL:
ValidationType: Centralized
Expert Review
Sep 02, 2020

imToken is an Android and iOS wallet for ETH, BTC, EOS and ERC20 compatible tokens, it is centralized and lets users access the blockchain without locally storing it. It allows managing multiple-chain wallets with one Mnemonic passphrase. Just insert a password, save the 12-word passphrase and you're ready.

Our Score
Security 5 / 5
Support 5 / 5
Ease of use 5 / 5
Reputation 5 / 5
Fees 5 / 5
Our Score
5 / 5
Pros and Cons

- Security
- Easy to use
- User-friendly


- Lack of Two-Factor Authentication

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User reviews
ASHOK KUMAR 30 June 2023

I have done withdrawal process it shown success and the live account balance debited from live account but even 5days the withdrawal amount has been not transferred to my given link. Even mail and messages to customer care service there is no response

Review image Review image
nicky 29 September 2021

I had troubles with the app so many times

Country: Singapore
Launched: 2016
Security: Personal
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic, Open Source
Platforms: Android, iOS
Source code URL:
ValidationType: Centralized
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