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HitBTC Cryptocurrency Exchange is a platform created in 2013 that allows you to trade more than 300 cryptocurrency pairs. The platform was launched back in 2013 and the investments it received amounted to about 6 million dollars.
CoinEgg is a UK-based cryptocurrency exchange founded in 2013. It has a few markets including BTC, ETH, EUSD, and USDT. The exchange doesn't support fiat currencies and provides not much information in charts/graphs. The interface is quite simple. It supports English and Chinese languages. The users are provided with such standard graphs as a candlestick chart and a market depth chart, prices (including 24 hours high and low) and 24 hours trading volume.
ChangeHero is a platform for instant cryptocurrency exchange. The service was based in Costa Rica and operated since 2017. To use the service, you do not need to register an account. Exchanges are conducted simply and anonymously and in matter of few minutes.