Paribu is a digital assets trading platform with the highest trading volume in Turkey. Allowing for Turkish Lira (TRY)-cryptocurrency transactions as a trading platform where buyers and sellers meet, Paribu has around 600,000 users. The daily trading volume on Paribu is $30 million. The number of cryptocurrencies traded on Paribu market is currently 22. Transactions can be made 24/7, including weekends, on Paribu. In addition, Paribu provides 24/7 technical support services for its clients.
TRX Market is a Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based in the N/A. The exchange was launched in 2018. Its reported volume is about 0 $ as for 8 October 2019.
TRX Market has 7 available trading pairs and 6 coins. Deposits are on the exchange.
TRX Market doesn't have Fiat deposits option. Margin...