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Bisq exchange was launched back in 2014. At that time it was one of the first Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (or simply DAO). According to the founders of this exchange, one of the goals of Bisq network is to "keep the original spirit of Bitcoin alive".
Bit-Z is a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange that was launched towards the end of 2016. It is one of the top ten crypto exchanges around the world in terms of the reported trading volume.
Update: The exchange is closed, possibly exit scammed. The exchange website is gone and the old domain is used for advertising. CoinPlace offered a wide range of tokens for trading. The exchange’s website had English and Russian language versions. The trading commission made 0.2% for a position paid in crypto. For unverified users, the daily withdrawal limit was 100 USD. The native token of the platform - CLP - was available for purchase and trading. Twitter Media of the company has not seen any updates since January, 2019.