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Bancor (BNT) is an ERC-20 token that is represented on multiple exchanges. It was issued by the Bancor token exchange service.
Civic (CVC) is currently based on cryptocurrency Ethereum protocol. The token is listed on multiple exchanges with popular crypto coins as pairing choices.  Civic strives to build a decentralized marketplace for identity verification technologies. Civic company provides businesses with KYC solutions.With the help of Civic solutions, you’ll be able to protect and authorize the use of your identity. 
Tether is a cryptocurrency launched in 2014. It is a so-called stablecoin currently leading by market capitalization. Although according to the initial idea, each Tether was backed by $1 (that was going to keep the price of Tether stable), the company not always managed to maintain this price (at some point in October 2018 the price dropped to $0.9 per one Tether). Tether succeeds in terms of market capitalization and its price is almost all the time is really close to $1.