Veritaseum is currently based on cryptocurrency Ethereum protocol.
You can check Veritaseum's market cap and volume on widget of our partner.
Also you can see the latest VERI price on You can leave your feedback and reviews about Veritaseum cryptocurrency here.
Mithril is a decentralized Ethereum-based asset, functioning as a reward token for content creators. The coin is listed by number of exchanges, including Bithumb, OKEX, and other platforms.
Believing that valuable content must be monetized, MITH devs launched Mithril coins as a reward for creators of social content. This process represents a so-called “social mining”. Reward tokens can later be utilized within the Mithril ecosystem.
NEO is currently based on cryptocurrency dBFT protocol.
You can check NEO's market cap and volume on widget of our partner.
Also you can see the latest NEO price on You can leave your feedback and reviews about NEO cryptocurrency here.