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Quantstamp (QSP) logo

Quantstamp (QSP) Price and Reviews

Market cap: $ 2,199,782.45783
Supply: 976,442,388.32118
Symbol: QSP
Price (USD): $ 0.23
Volume 24h: $ 2,832.21704
Change 24h: 37.92%
Max supply: 976,442,388.0
Total coins mined: 976,442,388.32119
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Expert Review
May 23, 2020

Quantstamp (QSP) is an Ethereum token listed by several exchanges. It is the utility token of the Quantstamp blockchain platform. 

Quantstamp company offers audit services for smart contracts. To use the smart contract scanning service, you are supposed to pay with QSP tokens. The service is also supposed to cover lots of applications scenarios starting from supply chains ending managing autonomous vehicles. Crypto exchanges are in the most potential demand for this kind of service.

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User reviews
Theia Bouvet 25 November 2021

QST has a powerful infrastructure for scanning smart contracts and many anti-fraud protocols. Really good platform

Market cap: $ 2,199,782.45783
Supply: 976,442,388.32118
Symbol: QSP
Price (USD): $ 0.23
Volume 24h: $ 2,832.21704
Change 24h: 37.92%
Max supply: 976,442,388.0
Total coins mined: 976,442,388.32119
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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