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Filecoin (FIL) Review

Expert Review
Nov 17, 2020

Filecoin is a decentralized storage system that aims to “store humanity’s most important information.” The project raised $205 million in an initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017, and initially planned a launch date for mid-2019. However, the launch date for the Filecoin mainnet was pushed back until block 148,888, which is expected in mid-October 2020.

The project was first described back in 2014 as an incentive layer for the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), a peer-to-peer storage network. Filecoin is open protocol and backed by a blockchain that records commitments made by the network’s participants, with transactions made using FIL, the blockchain’s native currency. 

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User reviews
Donnie Mckeown 7 December 2021

I found Filecoin quite by accident, and it was a discovery for me. Wonderful storage and reliable protocol that helped me out on numerous occasions

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