Ethereum Classic (ETC) logo
Ethereum Classic (ETC) logo

Ethereum Classic (ETC) Price and Reviews

Country: International
Launched: 2016
Market cap: $ 2,699,087,797.8347
Supply: 151,288,391.65529
Symbol: ETC
Price (USD): $ 18.8407
Volume 24h: $ 8,563,053.96029
Change 24h: -2.82%
Algorithm: Ethash
Proof type: PoW
Max supply: 210,700,000.0
Total coins mined: 119,682,661.98494
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 3.2
Block time: 18.0
Expert Review
May 23, 2020

Ethereum Classic appeared after Ethereum hard fork in 2016. Just like Ethereum, the platform is capable of hosting smart contracts and serves as a virtual computing machine. The native token of Ethereum Classic is ether (ETC). The main reason for the creation of Ethereum Classic was an intention to maintain immutability of the blockchain. The community has a strong and clear "code is the law" motto and aims for the maximum possible decentralization. Ethereum Classic will use sidechains as a solution for low network capacity. Unlike Ethereum which is going to switch to Proof-of-Stake, Ethereum Classic is keeping Proof-of-Work as a consensus algorithm. The network is affiliated with the Internet of Things and Input Output Hong Kong. It also cooperates with Cardano.

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User reviews
J Klein 5 April 2021

Got a little of ETC. Nice.

Country: International
Launched: 2016
Market cap: $ 2,699,087,797.8347
Supply: 151,288,391.65529
Symbol: ETC
Price (USD): $ 18.8407
Volume 24h: $ 8,563,053.96029
Change 24h: -2.82%
Algorithm: Ethash
Proof type: PoW
Max supply: 210,700,000.0
Total coins mined: 119,682,661.98494
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 3.2
Block time: 18.0
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