BLOCKv (VEE) logo
BLOCKv (VEE) logo

BLOCKv (VEE) Price and Reviews

Market cap: $ 17,358,155.34425
Supply: 3,646,271,241.2003
Symbol: VEE
Price (USD): $ 0.48
Volume 24h: $ 0.0
Change 24h: 0.6%
Max supply: 3,646,271,241.0
Total coins mined: 1,531,433,921.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Expert Review
May 24, 2020

BLOCKv (VEE) is the utility Ethereum token of the BLOCKv platform, where users can develop virtual objects (vAtoms). You can trade VEE tokens with a number of exchanges. BLOCKv (VEE) token was launched in 2017. 

With the help of tools and infrastructure provided by the BLOCKv platform, developers are able to create transferable smart goods (vAtoms), that include interactive elements. In this process, VEE tokens are utilized inside the platform in order to reward developers and as a means of payment by developers to complete tasks conducted with vAtoms. 

We are looking forward to receiving your feedback and reviews on BLOCKv (VEE) cryptocurrency here.

Our Score
Transaction speed 4 / 5
Technology 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
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4 / 5
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User reviews
Mike Wong 14 March 2021

Innovation at its best. 🚀

Justin Watts 30 January 2020

I use this coin a lot! I like it very much.

Market cap: $ 17,358,155.34425
Supply: 3,646,271,241.2003
Symbol: VEE
Price (USD): $ 0.48
Volume 24h: $ 0.0
Change 24h: 0.6%
Max supply: 3,646,271,241.0
Total coins mined: 1,531,433,921.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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