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Bitcore (BTX) logo

Bitcore (BTX) Price and Review 2023

Market cap: $ 909,714.39279
Supply: 19,724,246.41055
Symbol: BTX
Price (USD): $ 0.461
Volume 24h: $ 0.0
Change 24h: 4.5%
Algorithm: Time Travel
Proof type: PoW
Max supply: 21,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 18,344,101.9805
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Block time: 600.0
Expert Review
May 23, 2020

Bitcore (BTX) is a cryptocurrency that aims to provide users with a fast, secure, and decentralized payment system. The platform is built on a customized version of the Bitcoin protocol and provides users with a range of unique features and functionalities. In this review, we will explore Bitcore's features and functionalities in five subheadings: Technology and Features, Community and Development, Market Performance, Security, and User Experience.

Technology and Features

Bitcore's technology and features are well-curated and provide users with a range of unique benefits. The platform's key features include:

SegWit: Bitcore was one of the first cryptocurrencies to implement SegWit, a technology that allows for faster transaction processing times and lower transaction fees.

Bloom Filters: Bitcore uses Bloom filters to ensure that transaction data is efficient and secure, minimizing the risk of errors or malicious attacks.

Scaling Solutions: Bitcore is designed to be scalable, allowing the platform to handle a large number of transactions without compromising on performance.

Decentralization: Bitcore is designed to be decentralized, with no central authority or control. This ensures that the platform is transparent, secure, and resistant to censorship.

Overall, Bitcore's technology and features are well-curated and provide users with a fast, secure, and decentralized payment system.

Community and Development

Bitcore has a strong and active community of developers and enthusiasts, who are committed to the platform's success and growth. The platform has a range of social media channels and forums, where users can share ideas, discuss developments, and get support from other members of the community.

Additionally, Bitcore has a team of experienced developers and advisors, who are constantly working to improve the platform's technology and features. The platform's development roadmap is well-curated and provides users with a clear sense of the platform's future direction and priorities.

Overall, Bitcore's community and development efforts are strong and provide users with a sense of belonging and support.

Market Performance

Bitcore's market performance has been strong and consistent, with a growing market capitalization and a strong trading volume. The platform is listed on several major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, HitBTC, and KuCoin, providing users with easy access to the platform's trading features.

The platform's market performance is well-curated and provides users with a sense of stability and confidence in the platform's long-term prospects.


Security is a critical factor when it comes to cryptocurrencies, and Bitcore takes this issue seriously. The platform employs advanced security protocols to ensure that users' funds and personal information are protected.

Bitcore stores the majority of user funds in cold storage, which is offline and inaccessible to hackers. Additionally, the platform uses SSL encryption to ensure that user data is protected during transmission.

The platform also provides users with two-factor authentication, allowing users to secure their accounts with an additional layer of security.

Overall, Bitcore's emphasis on security ensures that it remains a safe and secure platform for users to make payments and store their funds.

User Experience

Bitcore's user interface is well-designed and easy to navigate. The platform's layout is intuitive, with clear menus and buttons that make it easy for users to access the various features and tools.

The platform also provides users with customization options, allowing them to personalize their experience. Users can choose between different themes and display options, making it easier to view their transactions and manage their funds.

Additionally, the platform's customer support is responsive and helpful, providing users with the resources and support they need to make payments and manage their funds.

Overall, Bitcore's user experience is user-friendly and customizable, making it easy for users to make payments and store their funds in a secure and decentralized environment.

Our Score
Transaction speed 4 / 5
Technology 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Our Score
4 / 5
Pros and Cons
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User reviews
Pete Spike 30 January 2020


Market cap: $ 909,714.39279
Supply: 19,724,246.41055
Symbol: BTX
Price (USD): $ 0.461
Volume 24h: $ 0.0
Change 24h: 4.5%
Algorithm: Time Travel
Proof type: PoW
Max supply: 21,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 18,344,101.9805
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Block time: 600.0
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