Comparar Cardano (ADA) vs Stellar (XLM) Coin

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Cardano (ADA) and Stellar (XLM) are among the top 30 cryptocurrencies by market cap. The respective platforms, Cardano and Stellar, are ambitious, constantly evolving projects. This article will give you a good idea of what these platforms and coins are so that you can see which of them can be a good investment for you.

  1. What Is Cardano?
  2. What Is Stellar?
  3. Cardano vs. Stellar (table)
  4. Cardano vs. Stellar (details)

What Is Cardano?

Cardano (ADA) is a native token of the Cardano platform. The platform functionality resembles Ethereum: Cardano is used for running smart contracts, building and hosting dApps, storing and managing data, etc.

Cardano was created by one of the former Ethereum team members Charles Hoskinson. His intention was to create a platform with functionality similar to Ethereum but better in terms of scalability. Cardano is cheaper and faster than Ethereum. The latter plans to transfer from the PoW consensus protocol to PoS. On Cardano, the consensus is achieved through PoS from the very beginning.

The project started in 2017 and quickly gained mass attention, becoming one of the most promising crypto platforms. As of August 2022, Cardano occupies the 7th position by market cap. Cardano had a number of collaborations with big businesses, financial organizations, etc. The token is available on many big exchanges.

What Is Stellar?

Stellar (XLM) is a native coin of the eponymous P2P network. The platform aims to allow users to exchange fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, and other types of assets with each other. More than that, Stellar has an inbuilt decentralized exchange and a crypto on-ramp. Another purpose of Stellar is a connection between financial institutions.

The project was conceived in 2014 by ex-Ripple employee Jed McCaleb and the lawyer Joyce Kim. Their goal was to bring crypto to the mainstream by making transactions and exchange operations effortless. The target audience of Stellar is the developing countries with substantial unbanked populations and financial institutions that need convenient crypto on-ramps.

As of August 2022, the Stellar coin is available for trading on many popular exchanges. The price fluctuates around the 12 cents mark. The market cap exceeds $3 billion, making Stellar the 30th cryptocurrency with the most significant market cap.

Cardano vs. Stellar (table)

Factor Cardano Stellar
The price as of August 2022 $0.538 $0.126
Market cap as of August 2022 $18 billion $3.17 billion
Rank as of August 2022 #7 #30
All-time high $3.09 (September 2, 2021) $0.875 (January 3, 2018)
Decline (compared to all-time high) 82.7% 85.7%
All-time low $0.019 (March 13, 2020) $0.000476 (March 5, 2015)
Growth (compared to an all-time low) 2,673.7% 26,227.5%
Popular markets Binance, Upbit, MEXC Global, AAX, Coinbase Pro P2PB2B, Dcoin, Coinbase Pro, Binance, Upbit
Platform Cardano Stellar
Consensus mechanism PoS SCP
Products EMURGO MoneyGram Access, Kelp, Freighter
Use cases Smart contracts, dApps, data, financial operations Means of exchange, DEX

Cardano vs. Stellar (details)

The price and the market cap 

Cardano has a higher price and a bigger market cap than Stellar. More than that, Cardano had the most significant spikes this decade, while Stellar had its highest price in early 2018. Both projects are influential, but Cardano's market performance seems to have more energy.

Popular markets

We can't say that Cardano or Stellar has an advantage by this parameter. Both coins are well-presented on multiple markets, including the most popular exchanges. You won't likely have a problem selling/buying ADA or XLM on any significant exchange.


Both assets are built on top of custom networks. Cardano had a unique architecture from the very beginning, while Stellar was initially built on top of Ripple. However, now, both networks are fully autonomous.

Consensus mechanism

From the technology side, the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) is one of the most progressive consensus protocols in the blockchain industry. Unfortunately, it's not as well-spread as popular protocols like Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Work. SCP is harder to understand for the major public, and it can turn some people away even though SCP is a decent protocol. Cardano is based on PoS, a protocol known to every crypto enthusiast. It has many critics, but at least everyone knows if PoS is good for them.


Cardano products are better for institutions, while Stellar focuses more on end users. Depending on who you are, you can prefer Cardano or Stellar.

Use cases

Stellar is working to help unbanked people make cross-border transactions and interconnect financial institutions. Cardano can be a platform for building any service, including the one that has features resembling Stellar's functions. We think that Cardano is more versatile than Stellar. It gives users and developers essential tools that can be used for millions of purposes. Stellar's appliance is more narrow.



User rating

4.3 / 5 7 avaliações do usuário 5 / 5 3 avaliações do usuário

Cryptogeek rating

3.8 / 5 4.2 / 5

Pontuação de Confiança

Como funciona
4.39 / 5 4.34 / 5


A moeda Cardano (ADA) é uma criptomoeda lançada em 2017. A moeda é baseada na rede Cardano. O líder da equipe de desenvolvimento é Charles Hoskinson, um desenvolvedor experiente que trabalhou para Ethereum e BitShares antes do lançamento do Cardano. Cardano é a primeira criptomoeda a usar código de fonte aberta academicamente revisado por pares, o que torna esse projeto único. O algoritmo de consenso de Cardano é a Prova de Participação. Cardano é geralmente elogiado por seu alto nível de segurança e transações rápidas. A moeda Cardano rapidamente ganhou valor e se tornou uma das 10 principais criptomoedas por capitalização de mercado.
Stellar é uma rede de Criptomoedas de código aberto lançada pela Stellar Development Foundation, sem fins lucrativos. A moeda em si é chamada Lumen (XLM). Alguns especialistas observam que esse ativo tem semelhanças com o Ripple por causa de suas transações rápidas e baratas. A rede Stellar é protegida pelo contrato especial que não permite temporariamente que os detentores de grandes quantidades de Lumen a vendam. Stellar funciona como uma plataforma de troca onde Lumen é usado para pagar uma pequena taxa de troca. O projecto tem um elevado nível de descentralização e proporciona igualdade a todos os seus participantes. Tem uma das maiores capitalizações de mercado.


coin coin

Data de fundação

2017 2014


International International


Sem dados Sem dados


Public Public


Public blockchain Public blockchain

Preço atual (USD)

0.7715 0.3325

Recorde histórico (USD)

1.3300 0.9381

Mudança de Preço (24h)

-0.66 -0.30

Volume (24h)

23969560.55325 12650458.74402


Sem dados Sem dados

Estoque Máximo

45000000000.00000 50000000000.00000

Oferta total

Sem dados Sem dados

Estoque em Circulação

45000000000.00000 50001786894.45000

Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco

50 2000

Taxa de transação

Sem dados Sem dados

Rentabilidade de mineiração

Sem dados Sem dados


Ouroboros Sem dados

Tipo de prova

PoS Sem dados

Totalmente pré-definido

Sem dados Sem dados

Endereço de contrato inteligente

Sem dados Sem dados

Total de moedas extraídas

25927070538.00000 20223415802.00000

Está negociando

yes yes

Recompensa de bloco

0.000000000000 0.000000000000

Hora do bloco

Sem dados Sem dados
User rating User rating 4.3 / 5 7 avaliações do usuário User rating 5 / 5 3 avaliações do usuário
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 3.8 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 4.2 / 5
Pontuação de Confiança Como funciona Pontuação de Confiança 4.39 / 5 Pontuação de Confiança 4.34 / 5
A moeda Cardano (ADA) é uma criptomoeda lançada em 2017. A moeda é baseada na rede Cardano. O líder da equipe de desenvolvimento é Charles Hoskinson, um desenvolvedor experiente que trabalhou para Ethereum e BitShares antes do lançamento do Cardano. Cardano é a primeira criptomoeda a usar código de fonte aberta academicamente revisado por pares, o que torna esse projeto único. O algoritmo de consenso de Cardano é a Prova de Participação. Cardano é geralmente elogiado por seu alto nível de segurança e transações rápidas. A moeda Cardano rapidamente ganhou valor e se tornou uma das 10 principais criptomoedas por capitalização de mercado.
Stellar é uma rede de Criptomoedas de código aberto lançada pela Stellar Development Foundation, sem fins lucrativos. A moeda em si é chamada Lumen (XLM). Alguns especialistas observam que esse ativo tem semelhanças com o Ripple por causa de suas transações rápidas e baratas. A rede Stellar é protegida pelo contrato especial que não permite temporariamente que os detentores de grandes quantidades de Lumen a vendam. Stellar funciona como uma plataforma de troca onde Lumen é usado para pagar uma pequena taxa de troca. O projecto tem um elevado nível de descentralização e proporciona igualdade a todos os seus participantes. Tem uma das maiores capitalizações de mercado.
Tipo Tipo coin Tipo coin
Data de fundação Data de fundação 2017 Data de fundação 2014
País País International País International
Idiomas Idiomas Sem dados Idiomas Sem dados
Time Time Public Time Public
Protocolo Protocolo Public blockchain Protocolo Public blockchain
Preço atual (USD) Preço atual (USD) 0.7715 Preço atual (USD) 0.3325
Recorde histórico (USD) Recorde histórico (USD) 1.3300 Recorde histórico (USD) 0.9381
Mudança de Preço (24h) Mudança de Preço (24h) -0.66 Mudança de Preço (24h) -0.30
Volume (24h) Volume (24h) 23969560.55325 Volume (24h) 12650458.74402
Hashrate Hashrate Sem dados Hashrate Sem dados
Estoque Máximo Estoque Máximo 45000000000.00000 Estoque Máximo 50000000000.00000
Oferta total Oferta total Sem dados Oferta total Sem dados
Estoque em Circulação Estoque em Circulação 45000000000.00000 Estoque em Circulação 50001786894.45000
Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco 50 Velocidade de transação/ Tempo de Bloco 2000
Taxa de transação Taxa de transação Sem dados Taxa de transação Sem dados
Rentabilidade de mineiração Rentabilidade de mineiração high Rentabilidade de mineiração low
Algoritmo Algoritmo Ouroboros Algoritmo Sem dados
Tipo de prova Tipo de prova PoS Tipo de prova Sem dados
Totalmente pré-definido Totalmente pré-definido Sem dados Totalmente pré-definido Sem dados
Endereço de contrato inteligente Endereço de contrato inteligente Sem dados Endereço de contrato inteligente Sem dados
Total de moedas extraídas Total de moedas extraídas 25927070538.00000 Total de moedas extraídas 20223415802.00000
Está negociando Está negociando yes Está negociando yes
Recompensa de bloco Recompensa de bloco 0.000000000000 Recompensa de bloco 0.000000000000
Hora do bloco Hora do bloco Sem dados Hora do bloco Sem dados




Cardano Stellar
Site Site Site
Twitter Twitter Cardano Twitter Stellar


Friendly Peer-reviewed technology Scalable Aumento do volume de comércio O protocolo de consenso é rápido Taxas diárias melhoradas Atualizações constantes


Competitors in the same space Still in development Multiple chains Forte concorrência da Ripple Muito foco no crescimento da rede Sem recompensas de mineração


User rating User rating 4.3 / 5 7 avaliações do usuário User rating 5 / 5 3 avaliações do usuário
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 3.8 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 4.2 / 5
Vantagens Vantagens Friendly Peer-reviewed technology Scalable Vantagens Aumento do volume de comércio O protocolo de consenso é rápido Taxas diárias melhoradas Atualizações constantes
Desvantagens Desvantagens Competitors in the same space Still in development Multiple chains Desvantagens Forte concorrência da Ripple Muito foco no crescimento da rede Sem recompensas de mineração

A avaliação de Cardano (ADA) usuários é de 4.3, com base em 7 avaliações de usuários. A avaliação de Stellar (XLM) usuários é de 5, com base em 3 avaliações de usuários.

We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.

Escolhemos o vencedor com base em nossa classificação da Pontuação de Confiança. Lembre-se de que ainda depende de você qual empresa escolher! Como calculamos a Pontuação de Confiança?
Pontuação de Confiança: 4.39 / 5 Escreva sua avaliação
Escolha outras empresas

As of yet, Cardano beats Stellar by most factors. Both projects seem to have strong potential, though. Probably, having both ADA and XLM in your portfolio would be a smarter move than choosing only one of them. The time will show which of these projects have a future. Now, as we have introduced these projects' main characteristics, it's time to decide which of them is better for you.


Cardano (ADA) and Stellar (XLM) are among the top 30 cryptocurrencies by market cap. The respective platforms, Cardano and Stellar, are ambitious, constantly evolving projects. This article will give you a good idea of what these platforms and coins are so that you can see which of them can be a good investment for you.

  1. What Is Cardano?
  2. What Is Stellar?
  3. Cardano vs. Stellar (table)
  4. Cardano vs. Stellar (details)

What Is Cardano?

Cardano (ADA) is a native token of the Cardano platform. The platform functionality resembles Ethereum: Cardano is used for running smart contracts, building and hosting dApps, storing and managing data, etc.

Cardano was created by one of the former Ethereum team members Charles Hoskinson. His intention was to create a platform with functionality similar to Ethereum but better in terms of scalability. Cardano is cheaper and faster than Ethereum. The latter plans to transfer from the PoW consensus protocol to PoS. On Cardano, the consensus is achieved through PoS from the very beginning.

The project started in 2017 and quickly gained mass attention, becoming one of the most promising crypto platforms. As of August 2022, Cardano occupies the 7th position by market cap. Cardano had a number of collaborations with big businesses, financial organizations, etc. The token is available on many big exchanges.

What Is Stellar?

Stellar (XLM) is a native coin of the eponymous P2P network. The platform aims to allow users to exchange fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, and other types of assets with each other. More than that, Stellar has an inbuilt decentralized exchange and a crypto on-ramp. Another purpose of Stellar is a connection between financial institutions.

The project was conceived in 2014 by ex-Ripple employee Jed McCaleb and the lawyer Joyce Kim. Their goal was to bring crypto to the mainstream by making transactions and exchange operations effortless. The target audience of Stellar is the developing countries with substantial unbanked populations and financial institutions that need convenient crypto on-ramps.

As of August 2022, the Stellar coin is available for trading on many popular exchanges. The price fluctuates around the 12 cents mark. The market cap exceeds $3 billion, making Stellar the 30th cryptocurrency with the most significant market cap.

Cardano vs. Stellar (table)

Factor Cardano Stellar
The price as of August 2022 $0.538 $0.126
Market cap as of August 2022 $18 billion $3.17 billion
Rank as of August 2022 #7 #30
All-time high $3.09 (September 2, 2021) $0.875 (January 3, 2018)
Decline (compared to all-time high) 82.7% 85.7%
All-time low $0.019 (March 13, 2020) $0.000476 (March 5, 2015)
Growth (compared to an all-time low) 2,673.7% 26,227.5%
Popular markets Binance, Upbit, MEXC Global, AAX, Coinbase Pro P2PB2B, Dcoin, Coinbase Pro, Binance, Upbit
Platform Cardano Stellar
Consensus mechanism PoS SCP
Products EMURGO MoneyGram Access, Kelp, Freighter
Use cases Smart contracts, dApps, data, financial operations Means of exchange, DEX

Cardano vs. Stellar (details)

The price and the market cap 

Cardano has a higher price and a bigger market cap than Stellar. More than that, Cardano had the most significant spikes this decade, while Stellar had its highest price in early 2018. Both projects are influential, but Cardano's market performance seems to have more energy.

Popular markets

We can't say that Cardano or Stellar has an advantage by this parameter. Both coins are well-presented on multiple markets, including the most popular exchanges. You won't likely have a problem selling/buying ADA or XLM on any significant exchange.


Both assets are built on top of custom networks. Cardano had a unique architecture from the very beginning, while Stellar was initially built on top of Ripple. However, now, both networks are fully autonomous.

Consensus mechanism

From the technology side, the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) is one of the most progressive consensus protocols in the blockchain industry. Unfortunately, it's not as well-spread as popular protocols like Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Work. SCP is harder to understand for the major public, and it can turn some people away even though SCP is a decent protocol. Cardano is based on PoS, a protocol known to every crypto enthusiast. It has many critics, but at least everyone knows if PoS is good for them.


Cardano products are better for institutions, while Stellar focuses more on end users. Depending on who you are, you can prefer Cardano or Stellar.

Use cases

Stellar is working to help unbanked people make cross-border transactions and interconnect financial institutions. Cardano can be a platform for building any service, including the one that has features resembling Stellar's functions. We think that Cardano is more versatile than Stellar. It gives users and developers essential tools that can be used for millions of purposes. Stellar's appliance is more narrow.