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Cardano (ADA) logo

Cardano (ADA) Preço e avaliações

País: International
Lançado: 2017
Valor de mercado: $ 28,710,591,885.715
Fornecem: 45,000,000,000.0
Symbol: ADA
Preço (USD): $ 1.638
Volume 24h: $ 35,649,543.41035
Alteração 24h: -2.17%
Algorithm: Ouroboros
Proof type: PoS
Max supply: 45,000,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 25,927,070,538.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Avaliação Especializada
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May 22, 2020

A moeda Cardano (ADA) é uma criptomoeda lançada em 2017. A moeda é baseada na rede Cardano. O líder da equipe de desenvolvimento é Charles Hoskinson, um desenvolvedor experiente que trabalhou para Ethereum e BitShares antes do lançamento do Cardano. Cardano é a primeira criptomoeda a usar código de fonte aberta academicamente revisado por pares, o que torna esse projeto único.

O algoritmo de consenso de Cardano é a Prova de Participação. Cardano é geralmente elogiado por seu alto nível de segurança e transações rápidas. A moeda Cardano rapidamente ganhou valor e se tornou uma das 10 principais criptomoedas por capitalização de mercado.

Nossa pontuação
Transaction speed 4 / 5
Technology 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 3 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Nossa pontuação
3.8 / 5
Pros and Cons


Peer-reviewed technology



Competitors in the same space

Still in development

Multiple chains

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Avaliação do usuário
Gilberto 14 August 2021

ADA subindo e muito...acho que será o sucessor do ETH.

Chad 20 May 2021

By far my favorite altcoin. Cardano will change the world

Ijaz Hussain 23 April 2021

Best work

Hassan 11 February 2021

I used to think Bitcoin is the only sane answer, but ADA with currently the third-largest crypto by market cap. It seems to have a utility like ETH, finite supply like Bitcoin, and traction like Doge

expert 9 October 2020

A lot of people doesn't see the potential of this project, because they "lack" the technolocial knowledge. The Cardano project is slow, but stable. A lot of "misstakes" and "slow-downs" happened when the Charles Hoskinson build the team and hired junior developers, which should built a new foundation for the Cardano crypto currency. Now years later this project comes to an end and with that a new innovativ crypto currency will overtake the market. Soon it will be possible to build smart contracts with Cardano and the max TP/s (transactions per second) will reach VISA/MC level. Switzerland, HongKong, Japan, close relationships to goverments all over the world and now they have a CEO that worked for PWC before. Cardano will not need other sites/services since everything will be handled by them. Their wallet should also become a multi-token-coin wallet. With the power of PoS the project will get a state of decentrilization that even the hash-rate Bitcoin crypto has never seen before.

9 March 2021
What you have to realise, is that at IOHK they have produced 95 scientific papers in 5 years in cooperation with universities worldwide. They've been building all this stuff behind the scenes. And now they are sitting to turn the whole thing on. People are not able to process the magnitude and depth of this project. It's not competitor of Ethereum, it puts it to shade. It's like comparing a bucket of people making cars in a garage with a BMW factory.
País: International
Lançado: 2017
Valor de mercado: $ 28,710,591,885.715
Fornecem: 45,000,000,000.0
Symbol: ADA
Preço (USD): $ 1.638
Volume 24h: $ 35,649,543.41035
Alteração 24h: -2.17%
Algorithm: Ouroboros
Proof type: PoS
Max supply: 45,000,000,000.0
Total coins mined: 25,927,070,538.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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