BitShares Asset Exchange 는 분산 된 암호 해독 교환입니다. 교환은 2016 년에 시작되었습니다. BitShares Asset Exchange 에는 14 개의 사용 가능한 거래 쌍과 7 개의 동전이 있습니다. BitShares Asset Exchange 에는 피아트 예금 옵션이 없습니다. 거래 옵션을 사용할 수 없습니다. BitShares 는 소셜 미디어에서 상당히 활동적입니다. BitShares Asset Exchange 에 대한 리뷰를 여기에 남겨 둘 수 있습니다.
The decentralized exchange is not so fast, actually. But among the other the same exchanges it shows a good level, I suppose. The operations are finished withing a couple of days. Not bad
I used to have a positive expirience here, the important thing for it was the smooth withdrawals and I got one, I'm glad to find this exchange!
Good to see a good working platform without any scum moves and long annoying pending. I'm content.
I haven't faced any issues with the registration, I did that I literally forgot how I did that because it was so fast and smooth and no memories left about it. Today I trade and I'm satisfied.
The fee is low here, but the main downslide is a registration, it needs to be fixed, I suppose, it takes a lot of time, it has to be not so complicated. But from the other point of view, the bitshares is ok.