BitShares Asset Exchange est un échange décentralisé de crypto-monnaie. L'échange a été lancé en 2016. BitShares Asset Exchange a 14 paires de trading disponibles et 7 pièces. BitShares Asset Exchange n'a pas d'option de dépôts fiat. L'option de trading sur marge n'est pas disponible sur la bourse. BitShares est très actif dans les médias sociaux. Vous pouvez laisser votre avis sur BitShares Asset Exchange ici.
The decentralized exchange is not so fast, actually. But among the other the same exchanges it shows a good level, I suppose. The operations are finished withing a couple of days. Not bad
I used to have a positive expirience here, the important thing for it was the smooth withdrawals and I got one, I'm glad to find this exchange!
Good to see a good working platform without any scum moves and long annoying pending. I'm content.
I haven't faced any issues with the registration, I did that I literally forgot how I did that because it was so fast and smooth and no memories left about it. Today I trade and I'm satisfied.
The fee is low here, but the main downslide is a registration, it needs to be fixed, I suppose, it takes a lot of time, it has to be not so complicated. But from the other point of view, the bitshares is ok.