国: Estonia
ローンチ: 2018
ウェブサイト: mercuryoapp.app.link
Nov 02, 2020

Mercuryo is a multicurrency and multifunctional crypto wallet launched in Estonia. The wallet is capable of storing, sending, and selling the following currencies: BTC, ETH, USDT, TRX, OKB, ALGO, and USDC.

Besides the cryptocurrency wallet, the company provides Mercuryo prepaid VISA cards accepted by 40+ million merchants around the world. These cards allow paying in crypto seamlessly. The money is converted to local currency for free. The card is associated with the user's BTC account. Customers are free to use both plastic and virtual cards. The physical cards are delivered to European residents in 5 days. The virtual cards are accessible instantly. The extra pleasant feature is that these cards are totally free. The Mercuryo app allows tracking transactions and checking the balance in real-time.

The service can be used by the business owners as Mercuryo provides a widget for merchants that can be placed on the company's (shop's) website. The users will be able to exchange their fiat money for BTC using this widget. The website's owner revenue is set by her/himself. The widget design is customizable. What's especially convenient is that Mercuryo takes care of all the hassle including KYC/AML, storing the users' data appropriately, the legal part of selling BTC, and so on.

The customers' currencies are stored in the cold wallets by the company. The private keys are also stored by Mercuryo. As the service requires the identification of customers, restoring keys is not a hard thing to do if you are able to prove your identity via the documents. According to the company's website, the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure doesn't take longer than 15 minutes. Mercuryo has a referral program that allows partners to receive up to 0.5% of what their referrals spend. 

Mercuryo managed to raise over €2.5m in funds for development. The main investor is Target Global. The wallet provider boasts numerous big names in the Partners list. They are Binance, Bitfinex, Trust Wallet, OKEx, Coinbase, EXMO, Bithumb, Liquid, Stex, WinPay, and others.

Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Ease of use 5 / 5
Reputation 5 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
4.4 / 5
Pros and Cons





Mercuryo に関するレビューを書いてください。他の人が製品を選ぶ際にこのレビューが極めて重要になる場合があります。不正確な情報や理不尽な批判は避けてください。



Zabyui 7 November 2020

Is it a hare ears? Funny logo and stable working wallet.

Tonn 6 November 2020

I think the sign looks bizzare, but it attracts me. The design is really interesting and convenient.

国: Estonia
ローンチ: 2018
ウェブサイト: mercuryoapp.app.link

List of coins

Freewalletは、30以上の通貨をサポートする暗号通貨ウォレットブランドです。 これは、単一通貨と複数通貨の両方の財布を提供します。 FreewalletはiOSとAndroidで利用可能であり、Crypto Walletとして知られるwebインターフェイスアプリケーションの形でも存在します。 Freewalletのユーザーは無料でお互いにコインを転送することができます。 また、別の大きな特徴であるなど)を支払う能力のある携帯電話のサービス財布インターフェース。 Webバージョンは、内蔵の暗号交換を備えています。 Freewalletユーザーは、クレジットカードでBitcoin、Litecoin、Ethereumを購入することができます。
Lumi open-source crypto wallet provides mobile versions for both Android and iOS platforms as well as the web version. The wallet powers transactions with multiple coins, including exchange transactions. The service was launched in late 2017.
Atomicは、windows、Mac OS、Linuxで利用可能な分散型マルチ暗号通貨ウォレットです。 ウォレットは、分散注文ブックのためのBitTorrent技術とクロスチェーン保管無料交換のための原子スワップ技術を使用しています。 Atomicwalletはまた、インスタント交換オプション-ChangellyとShapeShiftを備えています。 Atomicは300以上のcrypto-currencieをサポートしています。