ウェブサイト: pool.btc.com
Aug 10, 2020

BTC.com is a pool run by Bitmain, creators of Antpool and Antminer ASICS. BTC.com charges a 1.5% fee and pays users through a PPS system. BTC.com shares the transaction fees with miners. Old Users Still Mine with 0 Fee PPS in 2017.


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Harley Walter 15 September 2022

Payouts are stable, mining too. There are no serious problems, it works well, but the fees are still too big in my understanding. Maybe it's a fair price, I don't know

ウェブサイト: pool.btc.com
Bitcoin.com is a reference source for everything Bitcoin related. Where users can check news, get help on how buy bitcoins, choose a bitcoin wallet and more. You can also read the latest news, or engage with the community on the Bitcoin Forum. Bitcoin.com is known for being a supporter of Bitcoin Unlimited. Most recently, Bitcoin.com has opened its mining faction which features a pool that mines BU blocks and pays an extra reward to miners. Bitcoin.com also provides cloud mining contracts.
Based in Romania, Costa Nord Mine offers Ethereum cloud mining services, allowing users to purchase hashpower without having to deal with complex hardware and software configuration. Costa Nord Mine offers mining services and a variety of mining-related solutions for small and large investors.
Cyberian Mine GmbH is a German-Russian joint venture cryptocurrency mining company. It provides mining hostage services for its clients with an electricity cost of €0.03/kWh, achieved by green hydro-power stations, with free natural cooling in Siberia’s low ambient temperature. At Cyberian Mine, the user can choose to buy a mining device from them directly or send its own mining device to perform the host mining service.