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NiubiSwap Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

モバイルアプリ: -
Grade points: 0.00
Nov 25, 2021

Overview of NiubiSwap
NiubiSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Binance Smart Chain. The platform allows users to trade cryptocurrencies in a secure and decentralized manner. NiubiSwap offers a range of trading pairs, including the ability to trade popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin (BNB), as well as a range of other altcoins. The platform's unique features include the ability to earn rewards by providing liquidity to the platform, and its user-friendly interface that makes it easy to trade cryptocurrencies.

Trading Features

NiubiSwap offers a range of trading features for its users. The platform provides a simple and easy-to-use interface, allowing users to quickly buy and sell cryptocurrencies. The platform also offers a range of order types, including limit and market orders. NiubiSwap's unique feature is the ability to earn rewards by providing liquidity to the platform. Users can earn rewards by providing liquidity to the platform's liquidity pools, which are used to facilitate trading on the platform. The platform also provides real-time market data, charts, and technical analysis tools to help users make informed trading decisions.


NiubiSwap charges low fees for its trading services. The platform charges a flat 0.3% fee for each trade, which is competitive with other DEXs in the market. In addition, there are no fees for deposits or withdrawals. However, users may be subject to network fees for depositing or withdrawing cryptocurrencies from the platform.


NiubiSwap takes security seriously and provides a range of security features to protect its users' accounts and funds. The platform uses two-factor authentication (2FA) to secure user accounts, and also provides users with the option to enable SMS or email alerts for account activity. NiubiSwap also employs cold storage to store the majority of its users' funds offline, which provides an additional layer of security against hacks and theft. The platform also performs regular security audits to ensure its systems are up-to-date and secure.

Customer Support

NiubiSwap provides customer support via email and a ticketing system, with a typical response time of 24 hours. The platform also has an extensive knowledge base with articles and FAQs to help users navigate its platform. Additionally, NiubiSwap offers a referral program that rewards users for referring new users to the platform.

Overall, NiubiSwap is a solid platform for trading cryptocurrencies in a secure and decentralized manner. The platform's user-friendly interface, competitive fees, and unique liquidity pool rewards make it an attractive option for users looking to trade cryptocurrencies. NiubiSwap's security features and customer support are also commendable, providing users with the confidence that their accounts and funds are secure. However, the platform's limited cryptocurrency selection may not be suitable for users looking to trade less popular cryptocurrencies. Nonetheless, for those looking for a decentralized and secure platform to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, NiubiSwap is a good option.


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Khadija Bate 29 January 2022

I like the idea that the community drives the development of further traffic vectors, plus the exchange offers excellent price differences from its competitors, backed by the speed

モバイルアプリ: -
Grade points: 0.00
Cryptocurrency exchange
AirSwapは、米国に拠点を置く分散型暗号化交換です。 この交換は2017年に開始されました。 量は約4.5-5mlnであると報告されています。 $. 取引所はピアツーピア取引を提供し、3つの利用可能な取引ペアと6つのコインを持っています。
CoinSpotは、オーストラリアで最も人気のある暗号通貨取引所の1つです。このプラットフォームは2013年にメルボルンで設立され、オーストラリアで最も初期の暗号通貨取引所の1つです。その使いやすいインターフェースは、他の取引所に何を見上げるべきかを示す新鮮な空気のようなものです。 CoinSpotが取引する暗号資産の最も完全なリストを本当に持っているので、最も困難なことは、購入する暗号通貨と投資する金額を決定することです。売買のプロセスは実際には非常に簡単です。