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Namebase Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

モバイルアプリ: -
Grade points: 0.00
Oct 21, 2021

Namebase is a decentralized domain name system (DNS) built on top of the Handshake blockchain, which is a peer-to-peer DNS system that aims to create a more secure and censorship-resistant internet. Namebase provides users with a platform to register and manage domain names that are linked to Handshake’s blockchain. In this review, we will delve into the features and functionalities of Namebase, and evaluate its performance as a decentralized domain name service.

User Interface

One of the standout features of Namebase is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for even beginners to navigate and use the platform. The dashboard is well-organized and allows users to search for and register domain names with ease. The interface is also visually appealing, with an intuitive design that enhances the user experience.
The domain management tools provided by Namebase are also highly functional, allowing users to transfer, renew, and sell their domain names with just a few clicks. Users can also view their transaction history, as well as monitor their account balance and other key metrics related to their domain names.


Namebase’s blockchain-based DNS system is highly secure and resistant to hacking attempts, as the system uses cryptographic hashes to encrypt all domain name registrations and transactions. In addition, the platform is designed to prevent DNS spoofing and other types of cyber attacks that are commonly used to steal user data or compromise website security.
Namebase also provides users with several security features to ensure the safety of their domain names and funds. For instance, users are required to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) during the account registration process. They can also add an extra layer of security by enabling multi-signature transactions, which require multiple signatures to authorize a transaction.


The cost of registering domain names on Namebase is generally low compared to other DNS services. This is because the platform uses the Handshake blockchain, which eliminates the need for intermediaries and other middlemen who often charge exorbitant fees for domain name registration and management.
Namebase charges a one-time registration fee for each domain name, which is paid in Handshake’s native token, HNS. The cost of registration varies depending on the length and complexity of the domain name, but generally ranges from a few cents to a few dollars.


Namebase has a strong and active community of users and developers who are committed to building and promoting a decentralized internet. The platform hosts regular meetups and events where users can network and share ideas, and provides a forum for discussion on its website and social media channels.
The Namebase community is also actively involved in the development of the Handshake blockchain, contributing code, ideas, and feedback to improve the platform’s performance and functionality. This community-driven approach has helped Namebase become one of the most popular decentralized DNS services on the market today.


Namebase provides users with excellent support through its dedicated customer service team, which is available around the clock to answer questions and resolve issues. Users can contact the support team through email or live chat, and can expect a prompt and helpful response.
In addition to its customer support team, Namebase also provides users with a comprehensive knowledge base that contains detailed information on how to use the platform, as well as guides and tutorials on Handshake’s blockchain and DNS system. This resource is invaluable for users who are new to decentralized DNS services and need help getting started.
Namebase is an excellent choice for users who are looking for a reliable and user-friendly decentralized DNS service. Its intuitive user interface, strong security features, low cost, active community, and excellent support make it one of the top players in the decentralized DNS market.


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Emy 27 October 2021

Low trading volume.

モバイルアプリ: -
Grade points: 0.00
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