ウェブサイト: www.erisx.com
モバイルアプリ: -
Grade points: 0.00
Oct 06, 2021

ErisX has operated a designated contract market for seven years. In July 2019, ErisX became registered with the CFTC as a derivatives clearing organization.


ErisX に関するレビューを書いてください。他の人が製品を選ぶ際にこのレビューが極めて重要になる場合があります。不正確な情報や理不尽な批判は避けてください。



Russell S Padgett 31 May 2022

Fraud alert. I will keep posting this until I get my money back or I'm dead. These people are nothing but thieves. Run away, do no walk, from this company.

I was told I needed $1000 to invest so I sent them my money. The next day I was told that that was wrong, I really needed to invest $1500 to open an account. I informed them I didn't have another $500 so I needed get my money back. The very next day I was informed I needed to pay them $150 application fee even though the application was invalid due to the lack of funds. I sent the money. The next day I was told I needed to send an additional $50 to process the return of my money. I sent the money and was told the funds would be returned in 24 hours. the next day they called and said there was a glitch in the system, and I needed to send an additional $75 to complete a verification step to get my money and the funds would be release within minutes. I initially said no. They called back and the man on the phone actually said to me "....have you come to your senses yet?...." That was a major red flag that I once again ignored and sent them the $75 they requested and was assured my money would be returned in a few minutes. It's currently been over 4 hours and no money, no phone call, no text and no email. This site is a scam. Do not send them anything. Do not invest your money with them

The new news is they now claim they never heard of me but then called me several hours later and wanted an additional $150 to clear my account. These people are thieves.

And they will not allow the posting of any bad reviews

Russell Steven Padgett 24 May 2022

Fraud alert. I will keep posting this until I get my money back or I'm dead. These people are nothing but thieves. Run away, do no walk, from this company.

I was told I needed $1000 to invest so I sent them my money. The next day I was told that that was wrong, I really needed to invest $1500 to open an account. I informed them I didn't have another $500 so I needed get my money back. The very next day I was informed I needed to pay them $150 application fee even though the application was invalid due to the lack of funds. I sent the money. The next day I was told I needed to send an additional $50 to process the return of my money. I sent the money and was told the funds would be returned in 24 hours. the next day they called and said there was a glitch in the system, and I needed to send an additional $75 to complete a verification step to get my money and the funds would be release within minutes. I initially said no. They called back and the man on the phone actually said to me "....have you come to your senses yet?...." That was a major red flag that I once again ignored and sent them the $75 they requested and was assured my money would be returned in a few minutes. It's currently been over 4 hours and no money, no phone call, no text and no email. This site is a scam. Do not send them anything. Do not invest your money with them

Russell Steven Padgett 20 May 2022

Fraud alert. I will keep posting this until I get my money back or I'm dead. These people are nothing but thieves. Run away, do no walk, from this company.

I was told I needed $1000 to invest so I sent them my money. The next day I was told that that was wrong, I really needed to invest $1500 to open an account. I informed them I didn't have another $500 so I needed get my money back. The very next day I was informed I needed to pay them $150 application fee even though the application was invalid due to the lack of funds. I sent the money. The next day I was told I needed to send an additional $50 to process the return of my money. I sent the money and was told the funds would be returned in 24 hours. the next day they called and said there was a glitch in the system, and I needed to send an additional $75 to complete a verification step to get my money and the funds would be release within minutes. I initially said no. They called back and the man on the phone actually said to me "....have you come to your senses yet?...." That was a major red flag that I once again ignored and sent them the $75 they requested and was assured my money would be returned in a few minutes. It's currently been over 4 hours and no money, no phone call, no text and no email. This site is a scam. Do not send them anything. Do not invest your money with them

Russell Steven Padgett 20 May 2022

I was told I needed $1000 to invest so I sent them my money. The next day I was told that that was wrong, I really needed to invest $1500 to open an account. I informed them I didn't have another $500 so I needed get my money back. The very next day I was informed I needed to pay them $150 application fee even though the application was invalid due to the lack of funds. I sent the money. The next day I was told I needed to send an additional $50 to process the return of my money. I sent the money and was told the funds would be returned in 24 hours. the next day they called and said there was a glitch in the system, and I needed to send an additional $75 to complete a verification step to get my money and the funds would be release within minutes. I initially said no. They called back and the man on the phone actually said to me "....have you come to your senses yet?...." That was a major red flag that I once again ignored and sent them the $75 they requested and was assured my money would be returned in a few minutes. It's currently been over 4 hours and no money, no phone call, no text and no email. This site is a scam. Do not send them anything. Do not invest your money with them

Mariah Valdez 15 November 2021

Difficult platform to use. I'm glad that at the same time the exchange remains quite fast and reliable.

ウェブサイト: www.erisx.com
モバイルアプリ: -
Grade points: 0.00
2017年に設立されたBiboxは、ユーザーがBTC、ETH、USDT、DAI、およびBIXとペアで幅広いデジタル通貨を取引できるオンライン暗号交換です。 BIXはBiboxのネイティブトークンで、所有者は割引された取引手数料にアクセスできます。現在、取引所には約30の通貨が記載されており、179の市場がCoinMarketCapに従って運営されています。
2016年後半に設立されたC2CX platformは、ボリュームアグリゲータとして機能します。  この香港ベースの取引所は、50以上のペアと27以上の通貨を取引することができます。 モバイルアプリを開発したAndroidやiOSをプラットフォームとする 