BitShares Asset Exchangeは、分散型暗号化交換です。 この取引所は2016年に開始されました。 BitShares Asset Exchangeには14の利用可能な取引ペアと7つのコインがあります。 BitShares Asset Exchangeには、フィアット預金オプションはありません。 信用取引オプションは取引所ではご利用いただけません。 BitSharesはソーシャルメディアで非常に活発です。 BitShares Asset Exchangeに関するレビューはここに残すことができます。
I failed the verification, I don't know how I could if I don't have the fake I'd or something, didn't get how they work with the traders, just don't let me even try.
Not so popular exchange. I think it's because of the interface, it isn't friendly I think, but I was able to get used to it and I can easily work with that. If they want to attract more attention to the exchange they have to do something with the design.
Just a little bit complicated interface and tricky verification field. Apart from that I don't have the negative. Small platform for a fast operation with coins.
In my opinion, it could be a good choice for experienced users. I like the DPoS thing, it really speeds up the transaction process. I don't know why not many exchanges use it. I think it's awesome feature. I appreciate that but shares provide it.
The main advantages are still the same. The low prices and the US- investors permission. At first glance, the exchange seems a little bit complicated to use, but I found myself easily how to use properly and never face any big issues. A good one.