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Bilaxy logo


国: China
ローンチ: 2018
ボリューム: $ 986,043,033.0
ペア: 157
モバイルアプリ: iOS, Android
Full address: Hong Kong (The exchange does not disclose the exact location of its office)
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Grade points: 0.00
May 29, 2020

Bilaxyは、2018で開始された集中型の暗号化交換です。 その報告されたボリュームは約$98-105mlnです。 この取引所は、英語versionsと中国versionsの両方で利用可能です。 

Bilaxyは157利用可能な取引ペアと134コインを持っています。 Exchangeは、ETHに対して多くの異なるaltcoinsと取引する可能性を提供します。 トレーダーは法定通貨取引を見つけることはできませんし、BTCに対する取引もありません。 

Bilaxyは、Etherを引き出すときに0.01ETHの引き出し手数料を請求します。 預金は取引所で無料です。 

取引所は、プラットフォーム上で取引を進めるためにKYC検証を完了することを要求する。 Exchangeユーザーのための紹介プログラムがあります。

Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 4 / 5
Fees 4 / 5
4 / 5
Pros and Cons

Bilaxy に関するレビューを書いてください。他の人が製品を選ぶ際にこのレビューが極めて重要になる場合があります。不正確な情報や理不尽な批判は避けてください。



Berbeto 9 October 2019

The exchange is developing rapidly and shows a great growth. Bilaxy was launched just a year ago but now you can find here the most part of the popular coins and new ICO. They are following the market and trying to support new perspectives ICO. I think it's a good sign, the exchange is going to be the top soon, in my opinion.

migel 6 October 2019

I didn't get the origin of the exchange. Probably, it's a Chinese, it has Chinese language version. But, anyway, for the chinise exchange it works fine. The kyc wasn't so annoying I did it pretty fast. The transactions are passed through without issues.

国: China
ローンチ: 2018
ボリューム: $ 986,043,033.0
ペア: 157
モバイルアプリ: iOS, Android
Full address: Hong Kong (The exchange does not disclose the exact location of its office)
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Fees: Deposits:

All trades are charged 0.15%, This is calculated by taking the (amount * purchase price * .0015).
Any portion of an order that has not to execute, will be refunded fully upon the cancellation of the order.

Minimum Trade Amount:
ETH trading pair: minimum order size is 0.01ETH or 0.01 ETH equivalent.
USDT trading pair: minimum order size is 10USDT or 10USDT equivalent.
BTC trading pair: minimum order size is 0.0003BTC or equivalent.

Withdrawal fees are regularly adjusted according to blockchain conditions.
You could also check the withdrawal fee or Minimum Withdrawal on the withdrawal page of the exact token/coin.
A withdrawal fee will be deducted from your withdrawal amount.
Since the blockchain asset has a large price fluctuation in the short term, Bilaxy reserves the right to modify the withdrawal fee according to the current token price and block network situation. Generally, the exact tokens deducted as a withdraw fee will be updated WEEKLY.
Grade points: 0.00
HitBTC Cryptocurrency Exchangeは、エストニアの専門家とイスラエルの起業家によって2013年に作成されたプラットフォームで、300以上の暗号通貨ペアを取引できます。このプラットフォームは2013年に立ち上げられ、その投資額は約600万ドルでした。
デジタルコインの人気と需要はある程度減少しましたが、多くのユーザーは引き続きデジタルコインを積極的に使用しています。これは、暗号通貨の特定の機能によって好まれます。多くの場合、あるタイプの暗号を別のコインと交換する必要があります。何をすべきか?この記事では、暗号通貨の交換に最適なソリューションの1つであるChangellyについて検討します。それは十分に安全で、試す価値がありますか?チャンゲリーは合法ですか? Changellyは詐欺ですか?これらの質問はすべて、この記事で回答されます。

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