ローンチ: 2020
ウェブサイト: dodoex.io
Jun 01, 2021

DODO, short for Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for DEX Liquidity and Trading, is a new decentralized exchange (DEX) and liquidity platform for trading cryptocurrency. The platform aims to offer traders a new way to trade and access liquidity by using a unique algorithmic market maker system. In this review, we will be covering the following subheadings:
DODO is a decentralized exchange platform that operates on the Ethereum blockchain and is designed to provide traders with a new way to trade and access liquidity. The platform aims to offer low latency, low fees, and high liquidity to traders by using an algorithmic market maker system. The platform has been developed with the goal of making decentralized trading easier, faster, and more accessible to the general public.

The DODO token and its function

The DODO token is the native currency of the DODO platform and is used to pay transaction fees, reward liquidity providers, and access new trading pairs. The token also provides governance rights to its holders, allowing them to participate in decision-making processes such as adding new trading pairs, adjusting transaction fees, and updating the platform's smart contracts.

The DODO platform and its features

The DODO platform offers a range of features aimed at improving the trading experience for its users. Some of the key features of the platform include:
Low latency and fast trade execution: The platform uses an algorithmic market maker system to provide low latency and fast trade execution.
Low fees: The platform operates with low fees, making it accessible to traders of all sizes.
High liquidity: The platform provides high liquidity to traders by using a unique algorithmic market maker system.
Decentralized governance: The platform operates as a DAO, giving its users the ability to participate in decision-making processes and vote on proposals.
Cross-chain trading: The platform supports cross-chain trading, allowing traders to access liquidity from multiple blockchains.

The team behind DODO

The DODO project is led by a team of experienced professionals in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. The team includes co-founders Chang Jia, a blockchain entrepreneur, and Jianing Yang, a financial engineer, as well as a talented development team and advisors.


In conclusion, DODO is a new decentralized exchange and liquidity platform that aims to offer traders a new way to trade and access liquidity. The platform offers low latency, low fees, and high liquidity to traders, as well as decentralized governance, cross-chain trading, and other features aimed at improving the trading experience. The project is led by a talented team of professionals in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, making it an exciting project to watch in the coming months.


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ローンチ: 2020
ウェブサイト: dodoex.io
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