2miners è un pool di mining multivaluta con server situati negli Stati Uniti, in Europa e in Asia. 2miners supporta circa 20 valute tra cui ETH, ETC, ZEC, MUSIC, BTG, ZEN, BTCP, CLO e molte altre.
2miners applica una commissione di 1,5 per il mining da solo, ma la tariffa per PPLNS è 1. I pagamenti avvengono automaticamente ogni 2 ore. Molti utenti apprezzano questo pool di mining per un'interfaccia piacevole e comoda e tempi di risposta rapidi da parte del team di supporto.
La personne qui gère le groupe telegram efface des messages importants et banni certaines personnes pour aucune raison. Il n'y a aucune liberté d'expression ni d'opinion. Aucun professionnalisme. stales shares douteux en mode solo. Certains stales shares sont des partages importants, dont des blocs après vérification des logs... Détournement des partages via le stratum ?.... Gros doute!
emperor of scams
overall a pretty nice pool + you can just chat with them on reddit to get help
I had been happy with two miners until today.
Oddly my unpaid balance shrank. This is unacceptable. I will be switching pools after my payout.
Have been comparing with Ethermine, Flexpool and SParkpool---
2miners always pays less.... Trying to get the last bit of 0.00001 ETH for 2 hours with 100+ MH/s (removed the rest of the workers)--- need to cash out and not look back. They seemed decent in Jan/Feb. IDK what happened.