"The altcoin market seems like a stock market without companies" An interview with Emercoin CTO

"The altcoin market seems like a stock market without companies" An interview with Emercoin CTO
Aug 18, 2021 0
"The altcoin market seems like a stock market without companies" An interview with Emercoin CTO

We were lucky enough to have an interview with Oleg Khovayko, the CTO of the Emercoin project. This project has been active since 2013.

The problem with many crypto and blockchain projects is that it is difficult for developers to articulate what is the essence and benefits of their projects. In this interview, we tried to find out what the Emercoin project is in 2021. Whether we succeeded or not is up to you to decide.

Cryptogeek: Tell us about your project. What is Emercoin as of 2021?

Oleg Khovayko: Emercoin is a blockchain platform for industrial applications, running since 2013. It provides real services for real business needs. Most of the services are related to reliable network architecture, cybersecurity, and network management.

See use cases at: https://emercoin.com/en/for-developers

In 2021, it is working, without crashes, blockchain reorders, or stolen money. It just works.

Cryptogeek: Are you now more interested in the development of a blockchain platform or in the market cap and value of the coin?

Oleg Khovayko: I am a developer, and mostly interested in the adoption of Emer technologies in real business applications. Emer is free and open-source, has very small transaction costs and system requirements, and can be suitable for IoT or embedded applications. See full Emer node, running on Raspberry Pi:

Cryptogeek: What is your position as a coin in the altcoin market now in 2021? How difficult is it to compete with the top 10 coins and thousands of other altcoins?

Oleg Khovayko: By capitalization on Сoinmarketap, Emercoin has position 1300+: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/emercoin/ 

And we do not compete with altcoins, we just do good things.

Cryptogeek: How successful is your blockchain platform?

Oleg Khovayko: I think, very successful among serious persons and organizations. See a list of the scientific publications about Emercoin: https://emercoin.com/en/news/emc-scientific-pubs

Cryptogeek: How active is your community now?

Oleg Khovayko: We have several groups in telegram, a total of ~2000 customers, and on Reddit 2.2K subscribers. See lit of official Emercoin public resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/EmerCoin/comments/cc1a86/emercoin_official_resources_list/

Cryptogeek: Do you have any problems with listing on exchanges? To what extent are cryptocurrency exchanges now ready to provide access to altcoins, given that there are a huge number of altcoins now? Where can you buy Emercoin now?

Oleg Khovayko: We do not chase listing. There are enough venues, where you can trade Emercoin: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/emercoin/markets/

Almost every week some “listing manager” from exchanges contacts us and proposes listing for money. We never paid for the listing, and do not plan to pay in the future. We believe the trading - this is an exchange's business, not our. Thus, if they would like a list - they are welcome, and we will be happy to see such a listing. However, we do not wish to sponsor the business of those exchanges.

Cryptogeek: How has the altcoin market changed in recent years? What are the key differences from the time you first started the project?

Oleg Khovayko: Ended the madness of ICO. Began a madness of DeFi. We do not participate in such activity, we focused on support real business, which generates income from business activity, not from trading. 

Cryptogeek: Emercoin was founded in 2013. Can you say that you managed to be in the right place at the right time? How much more difficult is it to launch and develop such a project from scratch now, in 2021?

Oleg Khovayko: No. We appeared too early. I think the current altcoin market is not mature yet. The altcoin market still seems like a stock market without companies, who generate income.

Only recently we see not speculators, but serious players, who wish to really adopt and use cryptos and blockchain for business needs.

Cryptogeek: What are your plans for the coming year?

Oleg Khovayko: Continue development. Collaboration with real business. Just move forward, step by step.

We do not promise, we deliver.

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