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Bit-Z is a Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange that was launched towards the end of 2016. It is one of the top ten crypto exchanges around the world in terms of the reported trading volume.
Bitso is the first exchange to enable pesos/BTC trading in Mexico. Although, BTC has a limited book and can’t buy or sell BTC directly. The exchange has a mobile app on Android and IOS , API and the cold storage. Bitso provides a great support for their traders and offers different educational materials for the new investors. But at same time platform doesn’t have the margin trade and has the variable fees from a maximum of 1% to a minimum of 0.1%. The platform has a good security. Bitso initiates the KYC involving three levels of verification, which determine the limits on a trading account. 
EXC Cripto is a cryptocurrency exchange based in Brazil that aims to provide users with a fast, secure, and reliable trading platform. The platform supports a range of digital assets, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many altcoins, and it offers a range of trading pairs to allow users to easily swap between different cryptocurrencies. In this review, we will explore EXC Cripto's features and functionalities in five subheadings: Platform and Technology, User Experience, Security, Customer Support, and Pricing.