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Grade points: 0.00
Expert Review
Nov 03, 2021

Herdius is a protocol to access the whole decentralized web. Interact directly with any smart contract, dApp built on Ethereum & other blockchain without the need for tokens using a single private key and app.

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User reviews
Karl 24 November 2021

Their customer service response was like Sloth in Zootopia.

N00ne 24 November 2021

I don't like their interface.

Marian Hume 10 November 2021

I like this company. They really offer good trading conditions and high reliability in making trades.

Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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IDEX is a cryptocurrency exchange that was launched early last year. The exchange aims to offer users the experience of a centralized exchange that boasts the security benefits of a decentralized platform. The exchange provides a peer-to-peer trading environment. It also uses smart contracts to relay transactions over the Ethereum blockchain, and this allows the order book of your account to be updated in real-time.
Koinex was an Indian exchange established in 2017. In June 2019, the exchange announced that its operation would be ceased. The deadline for withdrawal was scheduled for July 15, 2019.