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Founded in 2017, Bibox is an online crypto exchange where users can trade a wide range of digital currencies in pairs with BTC, ETH, USDT, DAI, and BIX. BIX is Bibox’s native token, which allows its holders to access discounted trading fees. The exchange has around 30 currencies listed at the moment and 179 markets running according to CoinMarketCap.
SimpleSwap adalah pertukaran kriptokurensi yang mudah yang mendukung lebih dari 1500 mata uang. Layanan ini gratis dari pendaftaran dan menyediakan dua jenis pertukaran: tarif mengambang dan tetap. SimpleSwap telah membuat proses pertukaran kriptokurensi menjadi sederhana, aman, dan nyaman.
LEOxChange is currently not operating. It disappeared without any prior notification. LEOxChange was founded in 2015.