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Bits Blockchain exchange is registered in Macau. The exchange’s website displays a recent transaction price, fluctuation, price difference and volume for the last 24 hours for selected cryptocurrency pairs. There is a Bits Blockchain web wallet.
Altilly is a Sweden based exchange. It was launched in 2018. The exchange has a big variety of coins (about 300). Despite that variety, the liquidity of the platform is quite low, fluctuating within 80 – 100 k $ per day. Altilly exchange is not available for traders from the USA.
LiteBit has been operating since 2013 and is part of the structure of 2525 Ventures B.V. On the LiteBit platform there is a fairly large number of coins, and not only the most popular. Currently, the exchange supports about 51 digital coins. Also, LiteBit was awarded the title of the best crypto broker 2019.