AppCoins (APPC) logo
AppCoins (APPC) logo

AppCoins (APPC) Price and Reviews 2023

Market cap: $ 211,994.79301
Supply: 239,805,531.28167
Symbol: APPC
Price (USD): $ 0.9
Volume 24h: $ 0.0
Change 24h: 0.24%
Max supply: 246,203,093.0
Total coins mined: 246,203,093.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Expert Review
May 25, 2020

Cryptocurrencies have become more than just digital assets for investment, but they are now used to power various real-world applications. One such crypto project that aims to decentralize the app store is AppCoins (APPC). In this review, we’ll dive into what AppCoins is all about, its features, and why it matters in the cryptocurrency space.

What is AppCoins?

AppCoins is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency project that offers a decentralized and open protocol for app stores. The project was created by Aptoide, a popular third-party app store, with the aim of offering a more transparent, secure, and fair app store solution for users, developers, and app stores.

How does AppCoins work?

AppCoins offers a three-way solution for the app store ecosystem, which includes the users, the developers, and the app stores. The AppCoins protocol is designed to create a fair and transparent ecosystem for these three entities by using the blockchain technology.
Users can buy AppCoins and use them to make purchases on supported app stores. AppCoins is used as a currency on these app stores and is used to pay for app purchases, in-app purchases, and subscriptions. Users can also earn AppCoins by participating in the AppCoins loyalty program, which rewards users for various actions such as leaving feedback or sharing the app on social media.
Developers, on the other hand, can use the AppCoins protocol to create smart contracts that automatically distribute the revenue generated by their apps. This eliminates the need for intermediaries, such as app stores, which often take a large commission from developers.
App stores, in turn, can integrate the AppCoins protocol to create a more transparent and secure ecosystem for both the users and developers. App stores can benefit from using the protocol by gaining access to a wider user base and increasing user engagement.

What are the features of AppCoins?

Some of the features that set AppCoins apart from other blockchain-based projects include:
Proof of Attention: AppCoins uses a unique feature called Proof of Attention (PoA) to measure user engagement with an app. This is done by collecting data on user actions, such as how long they spend on the app, how often they use it, and whether they leave feedback. This data is used to reward users through the loyalty program, and also to provide developers and app stores with valuable insights on user behavior.
Decentralized Reputation System: AppCoins has a reputation system that helps to prevent fraud and abuse on the platform. The reputation system uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized ledger that keeps track of users' and developers' behavior. This helps to create a more transparent ecosystem and promotes trust among the users.
In-App Billing: AppCoins enables developers to use in-app billing without having to pay the high fees charged by intermediaries such as Google Play and the Apple App Store. This feature can help developers to increase their revenue and create a more sustainable business model.
Cross-App Purchases: With AppCoins, users can make purchases on one app and use the same currency to make purchases on another app. This makes it easier for users to make purchases without having to switch between different currencies or payment methods.

Why does AppCoins matter?

AppCoins is a significant project in the cryptocurrency space because it offers a solution to some of the issues that exist in the traditional app store ecosystem. The AppCoins protocol creates a more transparent, secure, and fair ecosystem for all the stakeholders in the app store ecosystem.
The use of blockchain technology also helps to eliminate the need for intermediaries, which can reduce costs and increase revenue for both developers and app stores. The AppCoins protocol also offers a way for developers to create more sustainable business models

Our Score
Transaction speed 4 / 5
Technology 5 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 3 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Our Score
4 / 5
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User reviews
Keith 13 30 January 2020

I like the concept of it all. I hope for a great future of this project!

Market cap: $ 211,994.79301
Supply: 239,805,531.28167
Symbol: APPC
Price (USD): $ 0.9
Volume 24h: $ 0.0
Change 24h: 0.24%
Max supply: 246,203,093.0
Total coins mined: 246,203,093.0
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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