Plateforme DEFI multichaine Rubic organise les services DeFi pour permettre à un projet de créer, gérer et échanger des jetons décentralisés en UN SEUL ENDROIT.
L'objectif de Rubic est d'ajouter des transactions p2p multi-chaînes aux services existants et de développer d'autres produits tels que des pools de liquidité et de les rendre simples et conviviaux. Chacune des chaînes de blocs a ses propres avantages et l'objectif de Rubic est de donner aux utilisateurs la possibilité d'utiliser les avantages de chacune des chaînes de blocs pour résoudre les problèmes auxquels ils sont confrontés.
Les produits de Rubic sont open source.
Well I transfered small amount of ETH crosschain to BSC and it worked. And was easy to use. UNLIKE Binance Bridge!!!
My rubic stays cubic
Only used the instant swaps feature so far, nice to be able to compare with the best rates available on 1inch and UniSwap without having to swap tabs and mess about.
Looking forward to seeing how this project progresses!
No issues so far when swapping, was good too see both prices of Uni and - 1inch which meant I got a few extra Link for what I was buying.
Really interested in WRBC and how far that can push the price as I do have a small holding in RBC. I believe it’s got loads of potential throughout the coming months and years.
I exchanged 4 USDT on Rubic and it worked just fine. Gas fees and price were like on other exchanges. I can't speak for the crosschain features tho because I haven't used them yet.